For some people, the opportunity to travel the world is something they simply would not miss out on. Meantime, others just wish they had that chance to see one place on their respective bucket lists.

Whether you travel regularly or you are just hoping for that once in a lifetime experience, what tops your bucket list in terms of what would be the ultimate experience or experiences?

From history to scenery (oftentimes both), there are countless places that tourists would rate as those they have seen and would even rate as life-changing experiences.

If you’re looking to have one or more of life’s ultimate experiences, where will you start?


Research the Possibilities

In order to set your sights on what could be a life-changing experience, start by doing some research.
From sites in the U.S. to those around the world, get as much information upfront as possible to make your travel plans all the more complete.

For starters, sit down with your computer and scan the globe, both near and far.

Is there a site or sites you’ve absolutely wanted to travel to one day, figuring it may change your life in one manner or another?

While such travels are not likely going to make you rich overnight or help you fend off some life-threatening illness, they could give you a different outlook on life. In some cases, you will have a great appreciation for the world around you.

With your research done, where will you head to for such an experience?

Opportunities Around the Globe to Embrace

Among some of the places around the globe that could provide you with the experience/s of a lifetime:

•    The tomb of Jesus Christ – Located in the Old City of Jerusalem, the tomb has attracted countless visitors from around the globe. Although no one can say with absolute proof that this is where Jesus was buried, the site nonetheless has been researched and analyzed over and over again. At the time of his crucifixion in approximately A.D. 30, Christ was reportedly laid to rest in a rock-cut tomb. Given all the reconstruction done in the area over centuries to repair damages and destruction, if this is truly the resting place of Jesus, many religious people (and even some non-religious individuals) would note visiting here is one of life’s ultimate experiences;

•    The Egyptian Pyramids – One can’t help but be awe-struck when visiting these wonderful man-made creations. With wealth and prosperity during the time of Egyptian civilization, the pyramids were constructed on the backs and sweat of countless Egyptian laborers. Although time (and man for that matter) has taken a toll on these incredible sites, millions of people annually go to see what beautiful creations sprung up in the desert. The Great Pyramid of Giza is the initial and largest of the pyramids, standing at just over 450 feet today. It is believed to have been finished being built in the period of 2560 BC.

Enjoying More of Life’s Ultimate Experiences

•    Stonehenge – Located in Wiltshire (United Kingdom), this tourist spot draws countless global visitors each and every year. Built in several stages beginning around 2400 BC, Stonehenge is marveled at by many, especially given that the modern tools of today were of course nowhere to be found when this masterpiece was being constructed. It oftentimes draws groups of people who gather there to see a sunrise or sunset;

•    Vatican City – Visiting one of the holiest places in the Christian world, this venue offers opportunities to see the likes of St. Peter’s Square, the Sistine Chapel, St. Peter’s Basilica and more. Keep in mind that the Pope delivers a midnight mass on Christmas Eve, a mass by the way attended by people from all over the world. There is also a papal address on Easter to tourists and those watching around the globe.

Keep in mind that what is a lifetime experience for one person can be entirely different for someone else.
That said take advantage of the time and opportunities you have to unlock some of life’s ultimate travel experiences.

From historic pilgrimages to stylish trips the world over, do your best to enjoy a lifetime of experiences near and far.

When you do, you will look back on them with lots of memories, memories you can pass on to others.