
Ocean’s Eight is the all-female reboot of Ocean’s Eleven. The film, starring Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchett, Helena Bonham Carter and Mindy Kaling, will follow a similar path to the film starring George Clooney about a group of thieves and cons who try to pull off a major casino heist, this time with a posse of all-female actresses. 

Mixed Reactions to the Film’s Announcement

The announcement of the upcoming film, Ocean’s Eight, which is a reboot, sequel and spinoff to the previous Ocean’s Eleven film, received criticism on Twitter. The film is naturally being compared to the recent all-female Ghostbusters reboot, with some of the backlash focusing on the idea of having women take over roles originated by men. 

Others believe that Ocean’s Eight will be the remake of a remake, and is representative of a lazy and cash-hungry Hollywood mentality that is lacking in creativity. 

Nevertheless, the films are to be directed by different filmmakers, with director Gary Ross being the head of this new all-female project. According to Gary, with the new film he’s not going to try to reinvent the tone, but extend it. 

The Ocean’s Eight All-Female Plot

This film is a continuation of the Ocean’s Eleven trilogy, also starring Brad Pitt and Matt Damon. While we still don’t know too much about the plot, the all-female cast is promising and is guaranteed to be exciting. 
While the plot of original Ocean’s movie was filmed around a casino heist, one could have expected the new film to follow in the same path. It could have even focused on a casino scenario fit for today’s modern day in age, with the women playing online casino games instead and using their wits and technology to carry out another heist.

However, it seems the director has gone in another direction and the gang of female actors is set to hit a Vogue party following New York City’s star-studded Met gala, where they’ve got their eyes on heisting an expensive necklace. 

The film isn’t set to be released by Warner Bros. until June 8th, 2018. Not too far off from now…