For the last few weeks, spring has been officially upon us, unless you’re in one of the places that somehow still has snow and storms, in which case you’re allowed to still be wearing your winter sweaters and clutching cups of cocoa under blankets on your couch. If that isn’t you, then it’s time to rip off that blanket, jump to your feet, and officially let the sunlight and springtime into your home. Here are some tips on how to do that…

Add Florals


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We’ve all seen Meryl Streep playing the terrifying fashion editor Miranda Priestly in The Devil Wears Prada, which means we’ve all heard her say, witheringly, ‘Florals? For spring? Groundbreaking.’ But the rest of us are not fashion editors which means that our standards for originality are generally a little lower - and let’s face it, some cliches are cliches for a reason. Letting some floral prints into your home this time of year is the best way to add freshness and some pretty colours that aren’t just pastel toned. If you aren’t a floral print person, go for fresh flowers and plants instead - cacti are particularly in this year, and they’re low maintenance as well.

Let The Light In


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During the winter it’s tempting to keep your curtains drawn and your blinds down the whole time. No one wants to see rain and grey skies outside and watching the sun set at 4pm is one of the most depressing things to witness. But now the mornings and evenings are lighter it’s time to finally let that sunlight back into your home. Not only will it look good but it’ll also give you some extra vitamin D and enable you to switch off your lights more, thereby saving energy.

Remodel Your Home


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Spring is a time for new starts and fresh beginnings, so if you’ve had any ideas about things you could do to your home stewing over the last few months, now is the time to start enacting them. You don’t have to worry about saving too much money because Christmas isn’t for a long time so you can afford to splash out on making some changes in your home. If you aren’t sure where to begin, talk to a luxury interior design company who can help you figure it all out. Make sure that you focus on what exactly your family needs and go for practicality over style (but of course, combine the two where you can!).

Declutter Your Surfaces


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If you aren’t up for a huge remodel, go for a declutter instead. It’s easy to let your surfaces get full of clutter during the winter as you hibernate and pad around in thick socks and sweatpants. But it’s time to tackle that issue - read up on Marie Kondo’s tips and ditch (or donate!) everything that doesn’t make you happy or serve a purpose. If you have kids it can be especially hard to maintain your decluttering - install a basket in each room that you can sweep clutter into to keep it contained, and clear it out every week.