Now that we’re well and truly enjoying the spring weather, it’s time to start thinking about the long, hot summer that’s just around the corner. While you may still be waiting for the times when the weekends become an endless round of days at the beach and garden parties, now’s the chance to get some summer preparation done.

Revamp your summer wardrobe

Depending on how organised you are, you’ll have either stored your summer clothes away during the winter, or left them mixed in with all of your other clothes in the closet. Take stock of what clothes you have for when it gets really hot and summery. Go through your summer kit and be prepared to get rid of anything that you didn’t wear at all last summer. Otherwise, you’ll be wasting valuable closet space storing items that you just don’t like anymore.
Once you’ve whittled down your selection to things that you’ll actually enjoy wearing, assess what’s missing and go shopping! When you think about it, the ideal summer wardrobe is a fairly simple one. As a recent study by Promopony suggests, all you need are clothes that combine comfort with a sense of effortless style. Then, whatever you're up to, whether you're out partying with friends or spending a lazy day on the beach, you'll feel ready to enjoy those heady days of summer.

Prep your outdoor space for entertaining

No matter whether you’ve just got a balcony or you have a big backyard with a lawn and pool, if you have a drinks party or barbecue, you’ll want your outside space to be guest-ready.

Now’s the perfect time to buy new garden furniture and check whether the barbecue you have is okay, or whether you need to upgrade it. Using an outdoor grill is an American tradition, with three out of four American adults owning one.According to the Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association, the most popular day of the year for planned barbecues is Independence Day, with 76% of US grill-owning households firing up the barbecue on 4th July every year. Don’t forget to buy any other items such as an outdoor crockery set and plastic glassware that will withstand a few drops and knocks.
"The Orangery" (CC BY 2.0) by HerryLawford

Finishing touches such as a gazebo or parasols to provide extra shade when needed and sets of garden lights to give a nice glow to the end of those summer evenings will help transform your garden or balcony into a perfect space for entertaining.

Book a summer vacation

While summertime is the season with the greatest holiday feel to it overall, it is always great to be able to get away from home for at least a week during the summer months. If you haven’t already booked time off work, do so now before all the summer weeks get taken up by your colleagues.

Once you’ve secured your leave from work, spend some time researching what kind of vacation you’d like – will you stay local and explore the best countryside your region has to offer, or will you be flying off to a different country simply for the experience of being somewhere completely different? There are always deals to be had, so make sure to shop around.

"©TPEI014_SH_Brackley_Beach_Children_8_S" (CC BY 2.0) by TourismPEI

If you usually book an all-in deal, with flights, hotel and meals included, why not ring the changes and go it alone this summer, booking a flight if you need one, and renting some home-from-home accommodation through a site such as Airbnb, FlipKey or Not only do you get a place that’s full of home comforts to stay, but you’ll also have the option of not having to eat out every night.
Hasten the arrival of summer by getting fully prepared for it. It’ll be here before you know it, and when it arrives, you won’t want to waste a moment of beach time!