Although some women will always avoid guns, others feel completely the opposite way. If you fall into the latter group, you’re not alone these days.

Whether looking to a gun for hunting or for protection in and out of the home, more women are carrying these days. As a result, there are many opportunities for those who manufacture and sell guns to market to women.


Those making and selling guns should use many promotions to market their brands. In doing so, they can tap into a market that has a lot of potential. From marketing online to holding guns shows and more, there are many options to get the word out there.

Most important, manufacturers and sellers need to show why a woman would want to buy a gun in the first place.

Ladies Want Protection in and Out of the Home

For many women, a gun means feeling safer, especially if they live by themselves. Though many will go without ever having a violent situation, others are not so fortunate. If you decide to buy a gun or guns, keep a couple of things in mind.

These include:

• Safety using the gun

Above all else, it is crucial that gun safety is never taken for granted no matter what your gender.

That said be sure you get the proper gun training before bringing a weapon into your home. Trying to buy a gun on your own and figuring out how to use it is not the greatest idea.

By having a trained professional show you all aspects of a gun, you are much less likely to get hurt.

• Storing the gun

You also want to make sure that you store your weapon in a safe and secure place. Finding quality holsters is always an important piece of the puzzle.

By having the right holster for your gun, there is much less of a chance of you or someone else suffering an injury. Make sure your holster choice is comfortable and easy-fitting. There are countless holster options out there. As such, you can shop for them in-person at a gun store or find one online.

When it comes to storing the gun in your home, picking the right spot is important for several reasons.

First, if you have children in the home, you never want them having access to your weapon. By having it kept out of their reach, there is little or no chance they will stumble upon it.

Your gun should also be in an area of the home where you can access it an emergency.

In the event an intruder gets into your home, there is no telling what may happen. By being able to get to your gun in a hurry, you can defend you and your loved ones.

That said keeping the gun unloaded is still a good idea. If for some reason a child comes across the weapon, a loaded gun is much more of a threat to them and others.

If the time has come for you to consider buying a gun, be sure to lock-in on safety from day one.