Parents can be hard to buy for. They have all the “stuff” they want, and as their lives slow down, they have fewer needs. Tech gifts can actually be really helpful for older adults, but both the giver and recipient can find these kinds of presents daunting. Many elderly parents are intimidated by technology and as their child, you worry that either the gift will never get used or you’ll spend the next few months explaining over and over “where the Google is.”


When it comes to tech and older adults, the rule of thumb is to pick something that will make their lives easier. Make sure the technology you buy for your parents is very simple to learn and always include one (or a few) lessons on how to use it. Here are three tech gifts your older parents will love, and actually use.

1. Sennheiser SET840 Assistive Listening Headphones

If watching TV with your parents has become impossible because they have to turn the volume up so loud that you can’t hear yourself think, these wireless headphones will be a gift for both of you. Assistive listening headphones have a transmitter that plugs into the back of the television and sends sound to the headphones, where the wearer can control the volume. As far as tech gifts go, these are very simple to set up and use. The Sennheiser model is comfortable, lightweight and uses voice-clarifying software that reduces the background noise and amplifies dialogue.

2. Great Call Lively Mobile Medical Alert System

Medical alert devices are an amazing present for older parents who have health conditions, live alone or who want to be more active but are wary of something happening. Not only does a medical alert system give you peace of mind, but it gives your parents the confidence and independence to maintain their lifestyle while knowing that help is always close by. The Lively Mobile device from GreatCall is easy to use — all they need to do is press a button to summon help. It's also easy to wear (either clipped on clothing or a lanyard) and is waterproof. You’ll love it because all calls are answered by highly trained, certified agents from a company that boasts the fastest response time. The medical alert device includes fall detection, and the patented GPS system will be able to track your parents wherever they go.

3. Presto Printing Mailbox

Many older adults sincerely have no interest in learning how to use email or text messaging, but that doesn’t mean they don’t want to keep in touch with friends and family. What grandparent doesn’t love getting pictures of and stories about their adorable grandkids? If you’ve tried to introduce your parents to the internet to no avail, get them the Presto Printing Mailbox, which will allow them to receive email and photos from pre-approved senders — without the hassle of getting online. You set up a Presto account for your parents, plug the printer into a phone line and it will print out the emails and photos that are sent to the account automatically.

If it's useful and easy to adopt, older parents will be more inclined to embrace technology. These three gift ideas are a great place to start.