Film making industry is highly developed nowadays. Many famous studios release a great number of new films every year. However, it can be difficult to choose a film to watch, especially if you are a casual cinema-goer; therefore, it is not surprising that some people prefer reading critical reviews on different films at specialized sites like Rotten Tomatoes and others.

Hence, if you have literary talent and want to share your emotions and feelings concerning movies with other people, you also may publish your own feedback at such a site. All you should do is to register.


How to Write a Film Review?

A really good review is worth its weight in gold. Hence, creation of a film review, as well as book report writing, has a set of particular rules. If you want to compose a helpful film review, you should:

1.    Watch a movie. It is obvious that it is impossible to give useful feedback on a movie that you haven’t seen yet. Certainly, some information about the movie, its director, the place of shooting, cast, and interesting details of the plot can be easily found in the Internet, but it is enough to have only a general understanding of a film. Seeing is believing, they say. So, go to a cinema or watch a film online. It is also better to attend premiere screening, especially if you are waiting for this very movie. The earlier you publish your feedback, the better because fresh feedbacks are popular like hot cakes.

2.    Make notes. Certainly, it is not necessary to put down something during the film, but it is possible to make some kind of a draft soon after viewing. All in all, your evaluation will include many factors, but you can write down your first impression in a few words the same day when you see a movie. These notes will help you add more emotions to your feedback.

3.    Choose your position. Feedbacks can be either positive or negative; some sites provide their users with the opportunity to choose a neutral point of view. However, it is better to choose sides properly because positive or negative feedbacks have more details about why you like or dislike this movie; therefore, they can be more useful than neutral ones.

4.    Use a catchy title or a hook sentence at the very beginning. It is the best way to attract readers’ attention to your feedback. It is necessary to make your review more popular than other users’ reviews. Therefore, you can express your opinion in a catchy headline, or ask a rhetorical question in the first sentence to make the further text more attractive.

5.    Start your review from the general information. It is possible to begin your feedback from general information about the film because such reviews are aimed at those who haven’t seen this movie yet. Hence, it is better to mention the genre of the film, its director, and leading actors. These details will help readers understand whether they want to see this movie or not. Certainly, personal feedback helps people to choose, but general information is also necessary.

6.    Avoid detailed description of the plot and spoilers. It is better not to retell the whole movie because the aim of the review is to express your own opinion and give evaluation if necessary. However, if you cannot write a review without details, warn readers about these spoilers. It is the obligatory thing to do if you don’t want to spoil viewing of this film for other people. Unfortunately, you can do this unintentionally when you provide a detailed retelling.

7.    Give information about the cast. It is important to mention who plays major parts in the film. Certainly, you can give your comments about the quality of their performance, but if you are not a professional critic, your evaluation will be very subjective. Therefore, you should be ready that readers or other authors may not agree with you and would not estimate your feedback as a useful one.

Certainly, film review writing is a pleasure because you have an excellent opportunity to describe your emotions and feelings from watching the film, and share them with other users or readers. It is also great that you do it for pleasure of other people who can decide whether this or that film is worth seeing or not, and increase the number of informative reviews to guide further viewers.