When you are in a tight budget, buying shoes in first hand is not necessarily a good investment. Choosing quality shoes often allows them to be put on several seasons without damaging them. But be careful, quality does not necessarily rhyme with expensive mark. So do not spend your money for nothing and be honest with yourself.
A good way to do this is to prepare before to determine your actual needs before you go shopping.


Often the shoes most likely to be sold are the shoes of colors. Colorful shoes can brighten up an outfit and perfectly match with the rest of your wardrobe. Changing black and brown can do well. It is possible to do business from home using the tools to buy cheaper on the internet. If you know a brand that fits perfectly with your feet, subscribe to the newsletter of the online shop to receive promotions in preview.

Buying your boots in summer and bare feet in winter can also save you money. Private sales sites often offer out-of-season sales at attractive prices. Keep an eye on the occasional market, from one season to the next (the article on Clothes: Long live the purchase of opportunity will also interest you).

Many fashionistas will need to vacuum in their dressing room before investing in the new collection. A good time to negotiate prices and get the best discounts. At the time of purchase, you must make a wise choice. Shoes that are too fashionable or with an original design may tire you quickly. So find a pair that will be in the air of time while matching many of your outfits. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money to have a stylish wardrobe and make it look more expensive than it is.

One detail that you must stop at is the shoes, essential accessories that can transform any outfit. Women fanatics of shoes know that we will not always reach the budget to buy the most expensive store, so here is the detailed compilations from various magazine shared to buy a pair of low-cost shoes but look more refined.

Having a moderate platform shoes is a great way to gain a few inches and look stylish with more comfort than with regular heels. However, you must be careful not to buy a model with a platform too high that looks like a block inside the shoe eliminating all kind of elegance.  Leaving aside the exaggerated A classic shoe can win a lot if you add some simple embellishments to give it a little shine or become the focal point. If you want to incorporate them, make sure they are small things that stand out for the refined that are seen throughout the whole and not for the bad taste you had in choosing them Choosing textures shoes, the ones with animal print shoes is very fashionable and are an alternative to put a spark of fun to a very basic attire. To choose the ideal pair look for a model that does not combine too many patterns and is kept within the same color tone. Also, do not forget to take care of the shape of the shoe and choose one that fits well with your foot shape to make it stylish

Not letting the bright opaque style

The patent leather is a material that can play for or against. If you want shoes that have this type of brightness, look for neutral colors such as black or nude and stay away from blues, fuchsias, yellows and other strident tones. An option if you want yes or yes these colorful shoes are suede. 

Avoiding Synthetic Leather

 We all know that leather shoes can be quite expensive. If you have time, go through several stores looking for a model that at first glance does not look like faux leather or, in case things get complicated, choose a style with less of this material as a booty instead of a knee boot. Remember that spending a little more on a good insoles will guarantee you better quality and longer life. It is better to buy a cheap leather shoe and decorate yourself with fancy stuff to make it more attractive and catchy. All these tips will serve you well when you're trying to get almost any type of footwear on a budget, from baseball cleats to comfy flip-flops.