If you are constantly struggling to balance a busy schedule, a girl’s weekend can be a fantastic way to unwind and have fun. If it’s rare that you get to go wild with your friends, it is important that you make the most of your freedom. 

Don’t leave all of your arrangements to the last minute! Instead, take a moment to plan the most exciting and enjoyable girl’s weekend of your life. Whether you love to go out on the town, or stay in and have a good chat, there are plenty of steps that you can take in order to make sure your girl’s weekend is everything you want and more. Below are four perfect options for you to consider.


Go on a spa trip

Get away from the stress and strain of everyday life, and go on a fabulous spa trip. This will help you, and your girlfriends, to relax in style. Look online to see if there are any discounts available. Often, the larger the group; the better the deal! Make sure to do some research beforehand on the treatments that you would like to have. If there’s something you’ve never tried before, ask one of your friends to do it with you. Remember to really treat yourself and to embrace the journey towards relaxation fully.

Exercise together

As a complete contrast, you could try engaging in some group exercise. This could mean a simple hike, or it could involve signing up to an intensive boot camp. To some, a weekend of exercise will sound like a nightmare. However, it could be a fantastic bonding experience that will leave you all feeling energized and motivated. If this isn’t your cup of tea, you could always try a yoga retreat as a happy medium.

Go to a male dance show

Why not treat you, and your ladies, to a wild night of being entertained by incredible male dancers? Your dreams could become a reality, as the Best Male Dance Show – HUNKS On Tour Now Coming to a City Near You! This is the perfect way to ensure an evening of pure fun and flirtation. Why not organize the show as a fabulous surprise? Your girlfriends will be sure to thank you for arranging such an amazing evening.

Have a slumber party

During your girl’s weekend, you should be sure to make time for an adult slumber party. If the slumber party is taking place at your home, don’t forget to purchase lots of drinks and snacks for everyone to enjoy. Encourage your guests to bring their own choice of movies, games, or CDs. If you have known each other for a long time, you could also tell your girlfriends to bring old, embarrassing pictures of the group. This will be sure to have you all in hysterics be the end of the night. If you really want to go all out, you could even buy everyone a pair of matching pyjamas.