It’s 2017. While you already know that, you need to ask yourself if your website meets the needs of your customers today. Also, how does Google perceive your website? One of the features that Google looks for in websites are  streamlined features, accessible and has relevant content. Content is king when you want to build website that can rank on Google. Having a website with relevant content will help your website to gain valuable customers and puts you on a top ranking of Google search.


What should online businesses strive to achieve?

A strong online presence is one of the things that businesses strive to achieve in their overall marketing strategy. Despite its importance, there are many business owners that are very hesitant to invest in a professional web designer. This is mainly because there are many growing businesses that do not have enough budget allocation to invest in a professional web designer that can build website with quality and content for them. Remember that when your website is ranked on Google, it puts you and your business in a position to profit because you are exposed to thousands of customers daily.

An alternative that business owners go for when they want to build a website is they will use the many free web templates available which further deviates business owners away from what really makes a website successful.It is a new year and it is a good time for you to reconsider your website, its long-term success and how it appeals to Google. Today, Google is becoming less forgiving on businesses that do not provide professional web design or relevant content for their customers. Don’t fall behind on your competitors and take a look at a few reasons why you need to invest in a professional website design company to build website that works.

1.    Build websites that work

In this modern and technological era, the Internet is predominantly used by consumers to search for their desired products and services. Therefore, business owners need to elaborate on this knowledge to increase user’s experience on their website. Investing in a professional web designer to build websites that work for your business will further bolster customer experience on your website. You will also help to distinguish yourself from your competitors because customers like websites that are visually appealing.

A lacking website or one of poor quality will quickly discourage your customers from purchasing your products or subscribing to your services because there is value in a professional web design. You need to give a reason your customers to perceive your business in a good light or your marketing team will suffer to promote your business.

2.    Save money

You’re probably wondering how investing in a professional web designer to build a website for you can save money for you. Contrary to budget-minded small business owners, investing in a professional website will save you money in the long term. To analyse this, we need to understand the importance of marketing to a business success. Without marketing, your business will not progress as much as you like to. The cost effectiveness of a professional web design compared to a traditional paper listing will reveal the value of your investment for a professional web designer. Let’s face it, websites are much cheaper and they can expose you to a wider audience compared to what traditional advertising could provide.

Using cheap website templates can cause huge issues when you need to update your website. Moreover, having support from a professional web designer will allow you to leave all the technical duties to someone who knows what they are doing. The templates which are free and are usually rigid and are not customisable. Therefore, having a professional help to build your website can help you modify the elements with no limitations.

3.  Keep your customers updated

Gone are the days where companies need to update consumers using catalogues. Today, your website functions as a brochure for your company. You can have the content in real-time and it is much more efficient than a print ad. Unlike print ads, a website is live and organic and informs clients for any latest information.

This means that your customers will have a reason to check back on your website while the printed ad is typically discarded once its purpose is served. Therefore, investing in a professional website designer will allow you to add fresh and relevant content that will attract new customers to keep coming back.