No matter whatever technical debt you are associated with, you have to focus on release date. Sometimes, you need more time to get module’s structure right, but don’t have that. But, you have right to catch up on release date, which is important than cleaning code, as of now. 


So, other than cleaning code, you just defer cleanup to make deadline. You need to agree on taking technical debt, which you need to pay later. Speeding up right now to hit release date will make it slower the next time. If you are not careful from first time onwards then over time, the development process slows down to crawl and every features take weeks instead of days.

Avoid development deadlock:

It is mandatory for you to learn more about technical debt and ways, in which it helps in avoiding development deadlock. For that, you need to learn a bit more about technical debt. Otherwise, it might ruin the software from start till end. Starting from the real meaning of the term technical debt to where it comes from, make sure to get all these questions answered before it is too late. Sometimes, it is ok to make technical debt a part of your service. For that, catch up with the development deadlock and avoid the same too.

Inclusion of internal things:

For experts, technical debt is mainly the inclusion of internal thing, which you choose not to perform now and will impede future development to a great extent, if left undone. This package further refers to deferred refactoring. This kind of debt does not include deferred functionality except in some edge cases where the delivered function is good for customers. However, that does not satisfy any of the standards. There are certain instances, when you need to add a functionality piece of your system. One option is quick and other one is messy. Making the right choice can be of help, sometimes.

Based on real project constraints:

People generally mix mess with technical debt. Well, the fact is mess is simple a mess and not technical debt. On the other hand, technical debt is the decisions, which are based on real project constraints. These are no doubt risky and can prove to be beneficial, if handled with care. Decision to create mess can never be rational, as it is related to unprofessionalism and laziness. And it has no such chance of paying off in future. Mess is always a total loss. You can visit here to learn more about the ways to avoid the same.

Similar issues at same time:

Sometimes codes can turn out to be messy, which is bad. Just to match your deadlines, you might fail to clear messy code. Remember to clear it as soon as possible, if you don’t want to enter the world of technical debt. Deferring necessary work might be a smart move as of now, but can lead to some serious problems later. So, on the first place, avoid adding any code not suitable for your business. That will prevent you from falling into the world of technical debt related mess.