CEH or Certified Ethical Hacker certification is a perfect option for any IT security professional who wants a career in penetration testing and wants to achieve a glorious career in life. But the sad truth is that CEH certification or the Ethical hacking course is not really considered as a viable career choice by quite a few security professionals working in the IT sector. 

Although penetration testers must be equipped with CEH certification, the benefits that this course and certification offers is not really limited to the penetration testing profession only. 


CEH certification is quite new and young when it comes to IT certifications and the IT security sector, but it has quickly spread its wings and has influenced the IT security sector in an impressive way. The certification is provided by the EC Council, and is held in high regard for bringing the dark side of the world of Information Technology into the light. Earlier, there was no way by which IT professionals could learn about the art of ethical hacking and penetration testing, or have the ability to use tools and methods used by hackers. But with the introduction of the CEH course, IT professionals can now focus on how hackers find vulnerabilities, exploit them, and how they can be stopped. The main contents of the CEH course are learning how to use hacking tools, coupled with classroom instruction on hacking ethics.

Now coming to the point of benefits – IT security professionals need to understand that gaining CEH certification does not exclusively mean that he or she will have to work as a penetration tester, or help to increase application security or analyse network security levels. Apart from being eligible for top level IT security job positions in top level companies, the ethical hacking course is the ideal option for gaining a decent amount of knowledge regarding hacking and how to prevent any attempts of illegal penetration. Let us now take a look at one of the most important benefits of gaining a CEH certification by undergoing an ethical hacking course. Read on to find out more.

The most important benefit – understanding a variety of vulnerabilities and risks

When you enrol for the ethical hacking course for gaining CEH certification, you must keep in mind the following knowledge and task domains that make up the entire course curriculum:

Knowledge domains – Background, assessment or analysis, tools, security, ethics, procedures, policy, etc.
Task domains - system management and development, system design and analysis, security testing, reporting, mitigation, ethics

All the domains mentioned above are quite comprehensive in nature and are responsible for forming a solid structure that helps you to understand how companies are affected by vulnerabilities and brute force attacks almost every day. 

Think like a hacker with CEH

White hat IT security professionals get a crystal clear glimpse of how a hacker thinks and what a hacker does with the help of the CEH training course. IT security professionals focus mainly on keeping out hackers in order to make the systems much more safe and secure. A reactionary mindset is what an IT professional requires in order to become a penetration tester, and that is exactly what the CEH certification does for them. Fighting off hackers and brute force attackers mainly include analysing threats and providing solutions for said threads on the go, with the help of a thought process similar to a hacker. Having a similar thought process helps a penetration tester in anticipating what a hacker might do next, and work to fight off the attack accordingly. 

Focusing on exploits – a vital aspect

The CEH course and certification, apart from teaching how to think like a hacker, is a good source of valuable insight pertaining to the life cycle of a system exploit or a brute force attack. For quite a few IT security professionals, it is important to know that brute force attacks are targeted at specific vulnerabilities of the system or network. IT security professionals usually get the necessary training to respond to and prevent any and every vulnerability in the system, but what they do not get trained for is the total life-span of the brute force attack. Hence it is vital that a security professional focus on the exploit itself first, and then worry about preventing it.