
The emergence of digital technology has drastically changed the way society functions. Communication can happen faster and smoother with a wide range of audiences. Online classes and courses are available, as well as shopping, and the very fundamental process of information dissemination is also done online.

This is one of the main reasons why businesses often go fully digital when it comes to advertising products or events, or even when introducing themselves to their target market. The problem here is that they are missing out on the little-known benefits that paper advertisements have over digital.

Although the Internet and digital technology have their obvious advantages over their print counterparts, the latter actually takes the upper hand in certain cases. This is why flyer printing services continue to exist, despite digitization. 


Recent studies show that paper advertisements are easier to remember compared to digital ones. Paper ads require more cognitive processing, and are therefore retained longer compared to transient, sidebar advertisements.

Moreover, digital media, particularly social media, can be full of clutter. Unless you opt for highly specified ad placements, your message will not stand out, or even worse, it won’t even be read or remembered!

Audience reach 

Scope is one of the most important considerations when it comes to advertising. In this case, paper and digital ads are equal, as they cater to specific types of audience reach. You can choose depending on your purpose.

For businesses that aim to reach localised audiences, opting for flyer printing services or other forms of printed materials might be wiser. This is especially helpful for densely populated localities, where distributing materials is easy. On the other hand, digital advertising is effective for disseminating information to more heterogeneous audiences. 


When it comes to practicality, digital ads win the game. It is relatively cheaper to publish a digital advertisement compared to purchasing ad spaces in newspapers. In this sense, digital ads are at a practical advantage because they have greater viewership compared to newspapers. 

Feedback and engagement

While some print ads can be very creative, it is hard to compete with the fact that digital ones are more engaging. Audio and video are two crucial things that print ads cannot capture.

Furthermore, digital media can easily get feedback from audiences. You can know if your message is getting through by monitoring comment boxes, reaction buttons, or online polls. You can even know what your audiences thinks, directly.

To sum up

Despite the fact that digital media is the dominant medium now, printed materials are still very effective. There is no one-size-fits-all solution or strategy for every business, and it pays to know the advantages of each for certain situations, and how combining these two media can be more effective than just sticking with one.

Image via (posterize)