Immigrating to a new country can be fraught with many different trials and successes. If can be the only option or one that you hope to take. Regardless of why you’re immigrating, there are a few things to consider. 


1| Can you afford it?

The move itself will be pricey, and then living in the new country might be more expensive than you are used to - particularly if you are moving to a major city within the country. New York is more expensive than Richmond, Virginia for example. Spend some time saving and doing some research

2| Gaining, and keeping a job.

The easiest way to know if you can afford the move is to know that you have a job waiting for you in your new country. If work is the reason you are moving then great - but make sure that it is stable. Negotiate your contract so that it is airtight, have everything in writing, and uphold your end of the contract. 

You will also need to see whether or not you will need a visa, and if so which kind. There are over a hundred different types of visa’s within the US alone, so make sure you are applying for the right one. 

3| Consider the political state. 

Each country is racked with its own political differences, some are worse than others, and some seem better than they actually are. Consider the political feel of the country, or area of that country, that you are moving to. The difference between one place and the next may be extreme. It is worth researching and understanding the politics of your chosen country before you move.

If you have moved and are unsure about your own, and your family’s standing as an immigrant, then contact a family immigration lawyer for advice. You can also do this before moving, to better understand the legal system of your new country, which, at least in part, you will have to become familiar with. 

4| Who and what are you leaving? 

The worst thing that can happen is to regret your choice of immigrating. Not only will it wreak havoc on your bank account if you choose to move back, but it can have repercussions on your mental health. Before moving think about what you will be leaving behind; loved ones, memories and a way of life. 

On the flip side, also think about the reasons you are moving in the first place. If you are going to secure a better place for yourself, and maybe for your family, then is it worth it? 

5| Barriers. 

Not only will you meet barriers with red tape with applying for visas, insurance and other important paperwork. But you will meet them when it comes to your day to day life - mostly with language. Language is the way each culture communicates within itself, and to be completely in the dark can be a struggle. If you know the language native to where you are moving, then great! If not then attempt to learn some of it before moving, or at least immediately after.