When people think of faith, spirituality, prayer and the like, they often may picture a church, a Bible study group, or a gathering for fellowship. While these activities are at the heart of the spiritual practices of many, there is also a way to supplement and grow spirituality by using digital technology, particularly smartphone apps and websites. 


Depending on your particular interest, you can find an app to help you grow your faith through learning more about Scripture, interacting with other like-minded people in a social network, or simply having a source of daily inspiration.

If you're looking to supplement your faith and spiritual practice, starting with a solid online hub or a smartphone app can be a good first step. There are many sites and apps that serve a wide range of beliefs and practices. In terms of modern-day non-denominational Christianity, there are a wide range of choices for people from all walks of life. Using digital devices and technology to support your active faith can be a welcome addition to your life. Here are a few ideas to help you get started.

The Bible at Your Fingertips

There are many Bible-centred apps that you can download on your smartphone to delve deeper into Scripture and your daily or weekly Bible study. One of the most popular, according to Beliefnet and its article "5 Faith Apps You Need Now," is the app known as Life.Church. According to Beliefnet, this app has been downloaded more than 100 million times. It provides tools such as daily and yearly action plans. Plus, you can interact with others through its social media sharing tools.

If you're looking for deeper Bible study with various tools to help you go into the particulars of Scripture and have a more tailor-made experience based on your level and your needs, you can also find that in an app. The Olive Tree is one such app that has over four million users. It contains a resource guide, daily reading plans, and it lets you customize your experience. There are also apps that provide daily Bible verses and ones that are designed especially for kids to have their own interactive Bible study experience.

Online Magazines and News

With the sheer amount of websites on spirituality that crowd the internet, it can be quite difficult to know where to turn when you want to use technology to help you build your faith. While Google can be a great place to start, there are also some magazines and news sites that are often mentioned as hubs for learning and fellowship online.

Our Daily Bread is one such magazine. It is a Christian organization that began in the 1930s and now publishes an online magazine as well as videos and daily devotional emails. The website contains a host of Bible-based resources to help people deepen their faith and spiritual practice. It grew from a small group meeting in Detroit to today's millions of followers all around the world.

Another online site, The Way International, is a non-denominational Christian organization that began in 1942. Its mission is to "connect people with the Word of God and help them understand its impact on their daily lives." The organization does this through a number of resources such as teaching, research, a home fellowship ministry, and its signature "The Way Magazine."

Support in Prayer

Having a source of support in terms of your prayer practice can be very helpful. Ministry Best Practices cites several prayer apps in their online article "The Big List of Prayer Apps." It highlights apps such as Echo and Prayer Notebook, which help users to keep track of prayer requests, as well as other apps such as Pray With Me, that offer users the chance to connect with others in prayer. For families, the app Every Day Pray provides Bible verses and encouragement geared especially towards parents and children.

In terms of online resources for finding actual prayer texts and history of prayer, as well as websites for submitting prayer requests, the list is virtually limitless. Prayer Chain Online allows visitors to request a prayer or start their own prayer group. The website Crosswalk has an entire section on prayer, where you can find testimonials from individuals who discuss their prayer practices, as well as sign up for a daily prayer newsletter, prayer tips, specific resources for men, women, and families, as well as resources for church personnel and pastors.

The Powerful Resource of Technology

Although in-person fellowship remains the main way that most people celebrate and enrich their faith and their spirituality, the vast options that are now available through the world of digital technology shouldn't be ignored. These resources can be a valuable supplement to an active spiritual life, and can also enhance spirituality for those who don't have a physical location in their vicinity in which to grow their faith.