Good planners are always successful in life. Whether starting up a business or moving to a new house, planning must be the cornerstone of your activity. Similarly travelling requires adequate amount of planning if you want the journey to work out the way you wanted. Good travel is the product of good planning. The rule applies not only to domestic trips but must be strictly followed if you are travelling to a foreign country. 

It is easy to fantasize a dream trip but there is work to be done. Planning any trip requires prior investment of time and money to ensure a stress free experience. This is why, here are ten tasks that you must accomplish before leaving your home.

1. Application for visas

We often undermine the foremost step. It is important to check passport’s expiration date and make relevant verifications regarding where your passport is stored. As a general point of view, your passport must be valid for at least four months after entering the country. Refer to the websites where you can have access to full visa requirement details. If the expiration date is on the head, get it renewed before you initiate your trip. 

Application process varies from country to country. Applying for visa can be time-consuming and costly so make sure the arrangements are made accordingly. 

2. Vaccination

It depends on the country you are travelling. Certain countries require travelers to get certain vaccinations before crossing the boundaries. You may need to get specific medications as a precaution against several diseases. There are state-operated websites that can guide you over recent medical recommendations. 

Furthermore, if you are undertaking a routine medical course, make sure there are enough supplies to cover the duration of travel. It is also a wise idea to pack non-prescription medicines to avoid confusion abroad. 

3. Check for travel warnings

Before you travel, refer to respective programs for travel alerts and warnings. It is extremely important to keep a track of these before you book a trip or just depart from your homeland. Also look for emergency services which will be of help in any such cases. Also note down contact information of embassies in the destination you will be travelling in case you need to communicate. 

4. Finances

This is one of the most important aspect of planning. You must call your bank and inform them about your visit so they can make necessary arrangements. One of the most economical option is to visit an ATM and withdraw in local currency. You can also check on the Internet whether airport you will be arriving has an ATM. Also be aware of the exchange rates and have a general idea of how much things will cost. This is will enable you to estimate how much you are going to spend.

Domestic travels are easier in these terms. All you have to do is visit the bank’s website and look for nearby ATM locations. 

5. Driving permit

This is not a necessary task since you can avail public transport but it is recommended to acquire an international driving permit. If you are planning an international road trip, then a driving permit is an essential thing to obtain. It is illegal to drive without a valid license. Look for the correct authorities in your state which will offer you international driving permit. Also begin to acquaint yourself to the local driving laws wherever you are planning to drive. Foreign embassies can guide you about the official rules and laws regarding driving. 


6. Gear up

Electrical arrangements are different all over the world so you will have to make necessary arrangements. Make sure you include adapters in your bag pack that will allow your devices to plug into foreign sockets. Adapters with flexible settings comes in handy as it adjusts itself to different settings. Also make sure all your electronic devices are compatible to the foreign strength of electrical current. In case of incompatibility, a transformer needs to be bought. 

7. Travelling documents

No one would let you enter their country if you don’t have the right documents required. It is very important to get a colored-copy your passport and keep it safe somewhere. Also make copies of visas that are related to your current travel. Other important documents like travelling tickets and hotel reservations must be copied as well to be on the safe side. It is also important to have digital copies of these documents in this modern day and age. Also make sure the documents are stored independent of an Internet connection since you might not have access to network in foreign country at first. Also make sure to keep sensitive information protected. 

8. Insurance

Before entering a foreign country, check their health and travel insurance policies. Also go through your insurance terms and conditions and make sure it encompasses international coverage. In case of negative, opt a short-term policy that will insure you abroad in case something happens. Also purchase travel insurance to secure your trip and money. The fundamental idea is to have your money refunded if the trip gets postponed or cancelled. 

9. Learn local language

Linguistic barriers can ruin your trip. It is highly recommendable to learn key phrases in local language to at least communicate with natives on a very basic level. No one is asking you to memorize the dictionary completely, you must know enough to communicate really important things. Compromising this can even risk your health and safety. You can carry pocket dictionaries or flash cards for your convenience. 

10. Check local entertainment listings

Most cities have their local entertainment listings. Go through them in order to make the best of your trip. Also search on the Internet of your hobbies at the destination. Look for specialties the place is known for. Check public transit maps in order to travel without hindrances. Maps hereby are of immense importance. can play a role in planning new trips. Make sure you make use of available facilities to keep the trip enjoyable.