If you’ve been involved in a car accident and pursued a personal injury claim against the at-fault party’s insurance company, you’ve likely run into one or more of these myths. Many people are shocked by the realities of personal injury cases, having to adjust their expectations as things move along.

Here’s a list of the Top 10 myths about car accident insurance claims:

Myth No. 1: You must give a recorded statement to the at-fault driver’s insurance company or your claim will be denied.
Myth No. 2: You must sign a medical authorization at the request of the at fault driver’s insurance company so it can go fishing into your past medical history, or your claim will be denied.
Myth No. 3: If you submit a reasonable settlement demand to the insurance company, you will get a reasonable settlement offer.
“More and more insurance companies are taking a very aggressive stance in settling accident claims,” says Washington State car accident lawyer Chris Davis. “Certain carriers have a reputation for making unreasonably low settlement offers, even if the claimant’s injuries are severe.”
Myth No. 4: The amount of your settlement should be three times the amount of your medical bills (or four times, or five times, etc.).
Myth No. 5: The at-fault driver’s insurance company is obligated to pay for your medical bills as they become due.
Myth No. 6: If you file a claim with your own auto insurance company, it will treat you better than the at-fault driver’s insurance company.
Myth No. 7: If you get in an accident that was not your fault, there will be enough insurance to pay for all your bills, lost wages and injuries.
“Unfortunately, there are many people on America’s roadways that are uninsured,” Mr. Davis says, referring to the 12.6 percent of motorists that are uninsured. “The value of your personal injury claim is determined by the amount of insurance available.”
Myth No. 8: You can expect to get the same settlement that your cousin (or neighbor, or friend, or co-worker, etc.) received for his or her accident claim with similar injuries.
Myth No. 9: The jury will give you money for all your past medical bills because your doctor says you were injured.
Myth No. 10: The court system is like a lottery for injury claims that will help you get rich.
“Anyone who believes this is setting themselves up for disappointment,” Davis says. “Having realistic expectations is key, as is hiring the right car accident attorney on your side.”