Are you new to the world of property ownership? You might be wondering how to handle your tenants without going crazy. Here are some helpful tips that will come in handy:


Screen Tenants
Do not rent your property to anyone you have not screened. Make sure to check the person’s references, credit history, and background. If you skip this important step, you might end up with a tenant who will trash your place, pay rent late or not even at all. To screen your tenants properly, use a written rental application.

Get It In Writing
You need to have a written month-to-month agreement or lease in order to keep track of important things. The lease will also allow you to document things such as when you handle repair problems. If you are not sure what to include in the lease, get in touch with a good real estate lawyer.

Make Repairs


You need to stay ahead of repair jobs to avoid bigger problems. According to PlumbingFix, you have to fix a leak as soon as the tenant reports it to avoid serious water damage. If you fail to make repairs when requested, not only will you create construction problems, but you will also alienate good tenants and they might start withholding rent. To avoid this, you need to fix the problem quickly and your relationship with the tenant will be good.

Provide Secure Premises
Do not allow your tenants to be easy marks for burglars and other criminals. You have to assess the security situation around your property and take the necessary steps to remedy it. The best measures are often the simplest: trimming the landscaping and installing proper security lights.

Handle Security Deposits Well
You need to come up with a good system for collecting, holding, and returning security deposits. Before a tenant moves in, you need to document the condition of the rental space and take pictures to avoid disputes about the security deposit. If the tenant argues he or she did not destroy something, compare the pictures of state of the apartment before he/she moved in with the current condition.

Give Notice Before Entering
You need to let your tenant know you want to enter their premises. Provide a notice of at least 24 hours. Doing so will allow your tenants to prepare for your arrival without feeling as if you have ambushed them.

Disclose Environmental Hazards
If hazards such as mold or leak exist on your property, it is your responsibility to let the tenants know. More property owners are being held responsible for tenant health problems that result from exposure to toxins in their rental units. According to, you need to address water damage before mold attacks your property.

Obtain Insurance
Buy enough property and liability insurance for your rental units. A good insurance program should be able to protect you if tenants decide to sue for injuries, losses, or discrimination. To be able to choose the best insurance, consult with an expert.

Resolve Disputes
You need to try to resolve disputes between you and tenants without involving any lawyers. If you have an issue with a tenant – such as deposits, noise, or conflict over rent – that does not call for immediate eviction, try to resolve it amicably. If this fails to work, involve a neutral third party.

If the dispute is over money, try a small claims court when all else fails. This court is good for collecting unsettled rent.