Anyone would think after Thanksgiving and Halloween, retailers could slow down their pace just a bit. But no, Christmas creep basically turns everyone into Grinches, and retailers will do anything to take down competition. People might even put worldly affairs on hold – there isn’t enough time to not think about all the shopping to do! 

As more tides of people turn to online shopping for Christmas this year, the chances of falling victim to cybertheft are getting higher. In fact, retail trends in online shopping have never been so popular in the smartphone era. 


Analytics firm comScore and UPS, in their 5th annual survey, found that a significant number of consumers do more of their shopping online than in real stores. Judging from rising trends alone, online shopping is here to stay, and consumers agree. Although its advantages arguably give way to more sales opportunities, its known disadvantages should never be disregarded. 

One prediction deduces that this year’s Christmas season could be the busiest for consumers, and as online shopping is slowly turning into a solid option rather than an alternative, searching for and buying presents online may not be as enjoyable as you think. What could possibly go wrong? 

Here’s a sample scenario to help you imagine: You’ve been eyeing this gold watch from a luxury brand. It’s the perfect present for your other half. The forces of the universe seem to work in your favor just as you find out – through the brand’s website of course – that they’re offering a valuable discount for the watch. You click on the purchase button, the transaction is confirmed, and you go to bed thinking of how happy your loved one is going to be. 

You don’t think however, that before you decided on your hefty purchase, you visited a couple other websites for alternatives. What you didn’t know of course, was how malicious content got into your device and is now stealing all your stored information. The next day, you visit a real store to buy groceries. You pull out your credit card, but it gets declined. It turns out all the funds have been withdrawn and you can’t exactly pinpoint the reason why your money was stolen. Although you may have bought the gold watch, the money you’ve saved up for other important reasons is now gone. Could a gold watch make up for all that has been lost? Certainly not. Therefore, stay cautious when you decide to shop online. 

Security is Key
Other data and security breaches commonly used by cybercriminals are phishing and keystroke logging. Others could go as simple as prompting you to reset your password. Regardless of the different ways they attack victims, it largely helps to be aware of them. 

All cybertheft methods border on the challenge of security. Ask yourself this, “How secure am I online?” To make it easier for you, here are simple ways you can protect yourself from potential attacks:

 • Be discreet with how you use social media – The natural purpose of today’s popular platforms is to connect you to people. However, the willingness of people to share their online information is an exploitable matter. Your digital footprint should never include confidential details of yourself. Even moments you’re proud of that you want to express should be done so in a manner that does not invite potential theft. 

Turn on your AdBlocker – Ads from websites that are not secure possibly host malicious content or software. AdBlocker is a program offered by the Chrome Web Store that can prevent unwanted ads and pop ups. 

Backup your files – In the unfortunate case of theft, data can only be recovered if you have a backup. Be keen on backing up important documents that you cannot afford to lose. • Never email your credit card details – Upon making an online purchase, make sure the website you’re buying from is secure. You will know if a website is safe to use if the URL bar has a padlock. 

Change default passwords – The password may be more secure now that it has the 2 Factor Authentication standard, but it still is technically problematic. Before using new devices or signing up to a new platform, make sure you use a new password. 

Be cautious of public Wi-Fi – Public hotspots are great for emergencies, but as much as possible, refrain from using them when you’re out. Not all connections are secure. 

Get Antivirus protection – Not everyone is perfect. There are other ways to get exposed to malicious content, and you can still be a potential victim even when you’re cautious. The safest way you can prevent external attacks is to get protection. There are free security software found online that you can download anytime. The downside of free packages is that they may only provide you with limited time or protection. Try to invest in premium software like Norton Antivirus. 

Symantec Slaps Cyber Crime With Norton Coupons
The Norton Antivirus program offers 4 packages to users, with the basic one going for as low as $19 a month for one PC, and the premium package for $49 which caters to up to 10 devices. Standard and deluxe are available, and they can be purchased for $34 and $39, respectively. All packages will provide you defense against online threats such as malware, ransomware, spyware, and viruses. Norton offers unique benefits such as warning you about potential attacks, blocking suspicious or infected downloads, and automatically cleaning up your device to free up space. 

Symantec’s goal is to make every computer, tablet, server and smartphone in the world virus proof. If you want to save up however, a Norton Antivirus coupon code might interest you. Coupons are great if you want to invest in a package that is meant to service more than the usual number of people in a household. Symantec has given discount promo codes to its affiliates, i.e. big deals sites or tech blogs like qetes, as a reward to prospective buyers.

A Norton antivirus coupon could help you save instantly on features other than the antivirus protection. There are coupons that can last you up to 2 years, and there are some that can offer you VPN and other sophisticated Norton-owned software for a fixed price. Find the right Norton antivirus coupon for you now – see which ones work the best for you here!