When you are pregnant, there will be a lot on your plate. You will be thinking about too many things from how to look after your baby to how to manage your weight. There will so many things that will keep your mind occupied, some necessary ones while others just waste of time. There are many things like vaginal douching that pregnant women seem to neglect. While it is up to you to decide what is important for you, here are five things that you need in your room when you are pregnant. 


Body pillow –
Sleeping is a good pass time when you are pregnant and home arrested. But you tend to feel a bit uncomfortable when you actually try to sleep. The big tummy will not let you sleep in all the comfortable positions. You will have to find that one comfortable position that will allow you to sleep peacefully. You will have to use pillows to make yourself comfortable. The better option is to buy a body pillow. It will help you sleep peacefully and happily. Moreover, you can continue to use the pillow even when you begin nursing your newly born.

Essential oils
The senses are heightened when you are expecting a baby. Natural oils like coconut oil will not only sooth your skin, but will also reduce stretch marks. Lemon, tree tea, flower extract and other types of oils can be used as room fresheners in your room and some of them can also be used to massage your body and belly.
Pregnancy journal –
Your pregnancy is a very special time in your life. You need to cherish each moment of the journey. The best way to keep an account of your daily routine is by writing a diary. You can write about your routine, chores, how you feel, what you ate, how healthy you are, weight gain, exercises you did and other stuff. You can give this journal to your child in the later days when they are able to understand all this. It will be a Day-to-Day Guide to your life and also your health.

Vaginal douche –
The vagina must be kept clean at all times. You can use a vaginal douche to keep your vagina hygienic. But, you must always ask the suggestions of your doctors before doing any of these processes. The vagina will be kept clean and the microbes will be kept away by cleaning your vagina regularly with the help of water. Douching during pregnancy is common but medical advice is necessary before any such procedures. If the experts feel you can do it, then there are many douche devices that you can make use of. 

Belly band –
Some women will feel the weight of the belly too much to carry. Such women can use a belly band that will help them to move around comfortably. It is a safe way of protecting your belly and sharing its weight all around your body. 

These are some of the pregnancy related stuff that you must plan to buy when you know that you will be giving birth to a child.