When police gained entry to 64-year-old Stephen Paddocks room, they found well over ten rifles loaded. Stephen had reserved a room on the 32nd floor of the building when he organized the attacks. The suspect fired down at a crowd of well over 20,000 individuals who were attending a music festival. This led to various concerns about security in Las Vegas, which has prompted increased security. The main reason for the attack has not yet been identified yet.


Each incident leads to the increased need for improved security protocols. This includes at the entrances, around the perimeter, inside buildings and any open-air venues. The promoters and venue operators are directly inclined to consider using the best resources to stop such attacks. The state also has a role to play in mitigating the occurrence of future attacks and developing legislation to facilitate the same.

The shooting is believed to have left as many as 59 people dead and an average of 500 individuals injured. The SWAT special tactics team were inclined to use special tactics to breach the room only to find the suspect dead. It is believed the suspect was holed in the building since Thursday.

It is believed that sneaked the guns into the building and that he had sufficient time to gain access to the building. The suspect is believed to have sneaked the weapons in a large amount of luggage, thus making it difficult to detect. This recent attack is inline with the recent explosion that occurred at the Ariana Grande concert mid of this year at the Pulse Nightclub.

According to security experts, there is no way through which the attack could have been stopped. The security officials could have been able to stop the attack is perhaps it occurred at a casino. This is because such areas use high-quality security protocols and these are not these same as those found at large hotels. But controlling the attack at such a large building would have been close to impossible.

While these attacks were not simple to stop, this has led to various concerns about security all over the country. In fact, top companies such as Fast Guard Service LLC are increasingly becoming reliable solutions for security purposes. These types of reliable security firms have good relationships with clients all over the country and with local law enforcement.

The only reasonable way to stop any such future attacks from happening is to ensure that security firms and the public can cooperate. It is clear that this recent shooting has led to the need for increased security protocols to ensure optimal safety. In fact, event planners may steer clear from outdoor areas that have tall buildings where perpetrators can perch. Up until the occurrence of this shooting, no one fathomed that it would ever occur.

The perpetrators take advantage the various loopholes that exist in the security protocol of the building. As a result, this makes it difficult to determine the likelihood of such attacks and controlling their occurrences as well.