You might be starting a business in this time and age when you have a variety of options for your various installations. Everything seems to have an option and to take a server as an example, you will have two main options to go with. They are in-house and cloud servers or storage.


Before you make this decision, you should understand that your final choice will impact on your activities on a daily basis, and so you need to have a system that is reliable at all times. The challenging part is that for both the options you can get the server that you need for your organization. There will be a lot to choose from and make decision easier by analysing both options and their pros and cons.

In-house Storage
If you are starting small, this is the best option to go for. Not many small and medium businesses go for cloud storage soon after their inception. They use in-house servers to host the few applications that every business starts with. Email and file sharing are some of the other business essentials that locally installed server can handle comfortably.

You hence should also stick to on-site servers because they are the best at this level for various reasons.

First is that you will have full control of it, and won’t be worried about security for example. You will always be aware of everything that is happening on a daily basis. Based on your financial ability, you will simply buy the Server Bundles that fit your business at that particular and initial time. When it comes to setting it up, you will tailor the configuration based on the needs of your business.

It will be a great way of saving on the budget that you have set to start your business. From that point, you will have the control of upgrading your server based on the growth rate of the business. One of the great things about this type of storage or server is that you won’t have to part with the hosting fees that are paid monthly.

It may be the best option at this point but you need to know that Server Bundles are costlier than the normal desktop computers. You will also need to hire an IT professional to do the configuration, and do the maintenance of the server on a regular basis to ensure that business processes don’t stall. Hardware upgrades and renewal of the licenses for the software is another added cost.

Hosting on Cloud Servers
You should go for this choice if your business has a high number of employees who work virtually. It will also be viable when you compare the cost of setting an in-house server with the cloud, and the latter turns out to be the most affordable.

In addition, when you host your server on cloud you will have peace of mind because you won’t be responsible for the management of the server. This will be very useful if your business is not able to afford an IT professional for that management only. Another good reason for opting for this online storage is that it will offer you a simple scalable solution that you will be able to modify and meet the demands of your organization. You will for instance be able to upgrade the service you receive, as opposed to the regular purchase of software in the case of in-house server.

The slight downside that hosting on cloud has is that your business will need to have a very reliable internet connectivity. If the connectivity isn’t okay you will have trouble accessing your server. That means your organization will have trouble operating, given that all employee need resources from the server at every moment.

Cloud servers are hailed for their top-level security for data. A company that usually store very sensitive data like customers’ financial information of health data wont will be hesitant to release it for management on other platforms other than internal servers. When taking this option, finally check if you will be comfortable with the monthly payment of the hosting fee.

The Final Views of Both Storage Types
You have seen that you will have full control of the server when you opt for in-house storage. You will be able to configure it just as you want, and that will be on the basis of the status of your organization.

You will also have the advantage of having critical data in the premises without the worries of leaking it to the outside world in the process of its retrieval and storage to the server.

You will however need to come into terms with the cost of setting it up and maintaining it where it might require you to employ an IT professional. Budgeting may skyrocket in this case.

A cloud server and storage will on the other hand offer you better scalability over the in-house server. You will be able to comfortably work with virtual employees. All that will be possible if your company has reliable internet connection that has a perfect uptime.

The verdict on the best option to take when in need of a company server squarely lies on you.