There’s more time to spare than you think when you’re not at work. You have blocks of time available to you in the mornings, evenings and on the weekends. While it’s good to relax and rest once in a while, it’s also healthy to be constantly challenging yourself, to ensure that you’re always learning and growing. 
If you don’t participate in constructive activities in your free time, then you risk becoming bored or adopting negative behaviors. You’ll sleep well at night and feel better overall when you’re on the go and using your mind and body to become an improved version of you. 


Start A Blog
Find a topic that you feel passionate about and turn it into a blog that’s designed and managed by you. This is a good way to get your voice heard and of practicing your writing skills. It’s easier than ever these days to find a host and theme layout you like. You can also download royalty-free images for your blog online. Blogging is a great hobby to have on the side for when you have downtime throughout your days. Your challenge to yourself can be to grow it and see how many readers you can attract. 

Challenge yourself when you’re not at work with new exercises. Physical activity is good for you, and there are an endless amount of activities for you to try. Tackle a triathlon, run a marathon or explore new hiking trails in your area. Write down a few wellness goals you have and put your mind to meeting each of them in your free time. Find an exercise routine that works for your schedule and will keep you on track to reaching your goals. You may surprise yourself at how well you do once you put your mind to exercising more and focusing on transforming your body. 

Find articles, blogs and difficult books that will test your current way of thinking. Going to work and completing similar tasks each day isn’t giving your brain the kind of challenge it needs to continue developing further. Another idea is to find a subject you’re passionate about and read up on it to expand your knowledge. Learn about topics outside your daily interactions and become a better-rounded person who can have deep conversations on a wide variety of ideas.  

Meet New People
One excellent way to learn and grow is to converse with and meet new people. It includes those outside your work and friend circle. Expand your horizons and who you know by coaching a sports team, trying a new hobby or joining a club that interests you. It’s easy to go home, put on your pajamas and shut yourself out from the world, but it’s not healthy to do all the time. Human connections are what help you break through stereotypes and assumptions you hold about other people.

While work can be challenging, it shouldn’t be the only way you’re getting your daily dose of adventure. Put yourself out there and explore all there is to do outside the office. You’ll likely enjoy life more and learn a lot about yourself you didn’t previously know.