If your goal is to get more views on YouTube, then you should prepare for a tough journey. The competition on the platform is at peak and depending on the theme you will be exploring, you will have to work hard to match the views popular YouTubers get. However, this is not to mean you cannot make it as a YouTuber. You need to master some of the things that you can do to boost viewership.


To help you enhance viewership on YouTube, you should use these 9 way to increase youtube views. These are tested methods that are applied by even those established YouTubers you know about, so this could help you deal with the challenge of getting a low number of views.

1. Use Tags, Good for SEO
The first thing you should target is an audience that uses the search feature to locate your content. For this to be possible you can rely on the tags where you can insert keywords to ensure people who search those keywords are recommended your video among those addressing the subject.

2. Post Often and Early
People will not click on all the links that are posted, so to get their attention you need to be active and to always share fresh content. Be a bit different and make sure to use creative titles.

3. Descriptive Keyword-rich Titles
Your titles can help you to communicate your message clearly and one of the best solutions you have in this case is to choose keyword-rich titles. Do some keyword research to sort the relevance of keywords and to know what people are searching so you can include that in the title.

4. High-quality Keyword-rich Descriptions
On the video descriptions you can tell search engines and users what your video entails. In this section you have to write a high-quality description and use keywords that are relevant to the topics people would likely search.

5. Use an Interesting Thumbnail Image
The thumbnail is what the user is shown when they search for your content. This is what comes up in the search results page, and it has some psychological relevance as people will more likely click to watch videos that have interesting or convincing thumbnails. You need to use high-quality images with readable and engaging fonts as well as facial-closeups, if you have any in the video.

6. Guest YouTubers
This is similar to guest posting content. You ask popular YouTubers in your niche to feature or mention your content on their channel and provide a link in the description. Due to their huge audience, your content will get many views and in the process you might gain some subscribers.

7. Imitate the Best in Your Industry
This should not be confused for copying. You simply watch what the most viewed channels are doing then replicate their ideas and strategies. The thing is to ensure you do it a bit different and in an improved manner and you could get some more viewers.

8. Use cards
YouTube cards are the suggestion links that pop at the top of the screen when another video is playing. You could suggest the viewer to navigate to see the next video that continues the topic in question.

9. Autoplay for Embedded Videos
Embedded videos can also give you views by activating autoplay. However, you need to be careful as this might annoy some users. Make sure to know the preferences of your audience as giving them what they would not like to see could lead to loss of subscribers.

YouTube gives you a perfect platform on which to reach your audience. You need to understand how to do it well to ensure your content gets good viewership. The tips discussed above are part of some of the ideas you could try out that will help you to boost the viewership of your YouTube content.