With the passage of time, the concerns related to cyber security are definitely shooting up. It would not be wrong to say that the global economy is hugely dependent on the present day technology. For this reason, it is important to come up with effective methods to protect ourselves from the cyber threats that lurk behind the new technologies. 


The latest and upcoming technologies are certainly revamping the face of cyber security. So, in order to stay updated with the latest innovations. There are some technologies that posses the power of changing the aspect of security in the next few years. So, let us provide you an update about few such technologies. Take a look below.

Cloud computing
We all know that cloud technology is one of the hottest technologies out there. Storing data in the cloud servers is easy, even in huge amounts. However, it is also true that there are many challenges associated with the security of the information stored in the cloud servers. But, a lot of developments have been made in this regard, which are surely going to have an impact on our approach related to cyber security. The developments being made are closely related to cloud storage encryption, which is definitely showing positive results. However, it is just the beginning.

No more Apps
Yes, it might sound a little weird, but in the next five or six years, apps will come to an end. It was the year 2011 when Steve Jobs predicted the future of apps like Dropbox. He said that these individual apps might not exist in the near future. In the present time, we are witnessing the same. The reason behind is simple to grasp. Rather than using a separate app for every small task, it is better to allow our virtual assistant to handle everything. 

No matter if we need to book a hotel room, a dining table at a restaurant, or a flight ticket; it is will be the onus of the virtual assistant to do it on our behalf. We no more have to install different apps for different functions. The virtual assistants will unite the functions of different apps, and provide us one great solution. So, it is expected that in the next five years, our smart phones, tablets, and computers will have just one user interface, rather than multiple apps. 

The internet of things
In the last few months we have seen significant increase in cases related to ransomware. We all know that ransomeware can be quite dangerous for us, because it is one such malware which usually locks our computer or the files contained in it; and it is possible to unlock only after we pay the ransom money to the attacker. Nowadays, almost every home appliance is getting connected to the internet, such as TV, fridge, thermostats, etc. So, they too are getting into the threat-zone. This is the reason why it has become important to focus on the cyber security of Internet of Things; and the cyber security courses can be very much helpful in this regard. 

Crypto currencies
Nowadays, almost everyone is interested in knowing more and more about the crypto currencies. After all, the profits associated with these things are quite huge. There is no dearth of celebrities and businesses that want to cash in the opportunities offered by this new concept of currency. Mining online currencies like Ethereum and Bitcoin has increased the demand for high quality graphics cards. In the next few years, the shape of cyber security will definitely get revamped due to the massive rise of these currencies. Big companies involved in the mining of crypto currencies have to go for better security measures to protect their online wealth. 

AI or Artificial Intelligence for the masses
AI has been in the scene since quite a long time. However, it is definitely getting revamped with the passage of time. The inception of GitHub by Microsoft is one of the examples of deep-learning tool kit. For those who do not know, deep learning is perhaps the new name for AI. Through GitHub, Microsoft is trying to make Artificial Intelligence available to the normal people. The virtual assistants are proving to be useful not just for the regular people, but also for the professionals like doctors, lawyers, etc. These virtual assistants can also become a part of our decision making process, which is the reason why the dimensions of cyber security needs to be upgraded significantly. 

So, those were some of the latest technologies that will force changing security in the coming years. In addition to them, there are many more aspects, such as machine learning, biometrics, and remote browsers. In order to know how to protect them, a lot of professionals are opting for courses related to cyber security. These courses can surely transform you into a better professional for the future. The opportunities are simply huge.