You’ll learn more about what you need to do to successfully compile a scholarship essay for such high-level institutions as Oxford.

Writing Guide for Scholarship Essay


When it comes to such a serious institution as Oxford or Cambridge or other prestigious universities, writing an essay becomes an undisputable priority. The content and stylistics of your essay depend on several factors. We will consider them below, and now let us just remind you that in case you need your essay written for you, you can always address to and be sure you won’t ever be turned down. 

Determining What Sort of Scholarship You Want to Obtain 

Scholarship is a very loose concept, and depending on what kind of scholarship you would like to obtain, the steps you’ll need to take will be quite different. If you want an independent researcher scholarship you will opt for a certain pathway, if you prefer merit-based or individual curricular scholarships, you need to consider another one. The list of scholarship of each institution may be quite different, so don’t forget to check it once more on your university’s site before you begin taking action. 

Decide on the Content and Stylistics of Your Future Essay 

If you have already determined the scholarship you want, you are able to sketch out main directions in stylistics and content of your essay, be it answers to specific questions or justifying your potential right to go after the desired scholarship. Anyway, the essential framework you might elaborate will serve as matrix for further polishing your essay. 

Try to Impress the Jury with Deep Knowledge of Your Area of Interest

First of all, you need to show the most of your language skills in your essay: you may think that there’s nothing special in shining verbally but that’s nothing less than the gate to making up the first impression of you. And finally, what is the most important thing, perhaps, is that through your essay you need to convince the jury in your deep mastering of your topic or validity of your background allowing you, in your opinion, to obtain the scholarship. 

Find Your Right Solution in Proofreading 

Writing an essay, as you already made sure, is a very delicate matter, and those who have some experience writing it, confirm the opinion that it’s sometimes harder to write an essay for scholarship in a world-renowned university that, let’s say, come up with a thesis on a similar topic. There’s not so much to be astonished at: reducing your ideas to something brief yet meaningful without their losing strength and sheer beauty seems sometimes to be unbelievably hard.  All of it only strengthens the evident need for high-quality proofreading of your texts. It’s up to you to decide whether it’s really worth hiring a professional editor or you already possess all the necessary skills to complete this job by yourself. 

We hope we managed to come up with useful tips for your bright future in Oxford, as this future starts with your essay, of course! Sometimes essay is just a preliminary stage in the process of obtaining scholarship, as not everything comes down to it, so be ready to an interview where you’d be able to further develop the points enunciated in your essay. Either way, it’s difficult to overestimate the importance of writing a compelling essay or any other essay-like production just for whatever job opportunity or academic purpose it may be.

We wish good luck from the bottom of our hearts!