A computerised maintenance management system (CMMS) can help to reduce overall capital expenditure as well as costs relating to labours and other parts. But when it is not properly integrated into the work premises it can become a burden on already overloaded maintenance employee and can hamper the quality of the job and completed work. The five tips for properly integrating the CMMS are as follows-


First, consult your IT department of what exactly will be the requirement and discuss about the endless solutions CMMS can provide. Do not just buy CMMS system considering only price. Always check the scope of functioning require into the workplace, such as predictive and preventive maintenance based on running time and not on just simple calendaring. Make sure it is well integrated with the resources you have otherwise the production will suffer every time company run out of required supplies.

whether you’re starting from the scratch or converting years of old data from the CMMS, the polished your incoming data is, the faster will be the output results. Having proper data is important to plan the implementation/execution. To eliminate the work done by maintenance staff, proper planning is important for the CMMS.

There should be manuals and troubleshooting guidelines uploaded in the main website because in case of emergency one can’t depend on tech to spend time on it and repairs the thing. Implementation should not stop operations; this can be done by employing extra talent into workplace so that he/she can train the maintenance staff and how to work with CMMS tool without compromising the ongoing operations.

Make sure that coding, serial numbers, vendor names, part numbers are properly defined for successfully implementing the CMMS. However, this can also be done by ERP/MRP system but will involve more costs. CMMS implementations are also delayed when performing parties do not communicate proper data import requirements.

On your day-to-day tasks, monthly task, yearly task all should be processed through CMMS for better analysing the work process. It should be part of standard process i.e. from assigning work to staff logging time or the parts used at the end of the job. If you are using other tools relating to logistics, then get ready to add an extra load of entering the same data into the CMMS. If new equipment is purchased plan out how guidelines and procedures should be uploaded. Without proper integration, CMMS will become burden instead of a boon.

any software can become a hindrance if the users are not properly trained in how to use it. Not only the specialised staff for the CMMS Software but also relating staff should be trained in case of emergency. Both on-the-job training and off the job training should be applied. Proper codes datasheet, how to import-export data, how to link one product to another etc. prepare future planning plans also for smooth functioning of the Department.

MRP/ERP integration to CMMS
Although CMMS can be used for multitasking purposes related to logistics services but any mistake can lead to huge losses, so it is better to integrate it with material requirements planning/enterprise resource planning system. With this integration, the burden on the maintenance staff will be reduced and proper planned schedule against required supplies, inventories, purchasing can be managed. Also, it will help in better reporting to higher officials about daily or weekly tasks.

For better productivity, audit your CMMS software in every six months plan to spend hours for proper risk-based maintenance checking of the CMMS software and to make sure you have latest and updated version of the software for taking full advantage of it and keeping it errors free.