Driving is second nature to many people, and when you get behind the wheel of a car, you are focused on getting from A to B without stress or too much interruption. That said, sometimes you might get into the car without too much through about the conditions you are driving in or the emotions you are experiencing and this could lead to issues along the route or in more severe cases an accident. Of course, no one goes out to cause problems on the road but giving safety a little thought before you head out can work wonders for a stress-free drive. 


It’s crucial to get the basics right before setting out and while driving, so take a look at some handy tips to increase your vigilance behind the wheel. 

Assess your car

If your car needs a little TLC or the engine management light has been on for months, but you’ve yet to sort it out, consider what this could be doing to the car and your driving safety. You may think your car is okay to drive, especially if you’re just traveling a short distance but if you haven’t had regular servicing or check-overs, then you could be putting yourself and others in danger if something were to go wrong. Something as simple as not having enough tread on your tires can affect handling and suspension, or worn brakes will cause issues with braking distance so if something doesn’t feel right when you’re driving, go and get it checked out

Prevent distractions

One of the major causes of road accidents in the past few years is people checking cell phones. Distractions can be the root cause of small incidents on the road to serious collisions. A good way to stop the temptation of looking at your phone while driving is putting it in your bag in the backseat of the car or storing it away in a glove compartment. Turning it onto silent also reduces the need to check anything, as you won’t have heard it go off either. 

Other distractions in the car include children and pets. Children should be buckled into their seats while you are driving and fighting or moving around should be avoided at all costs. Kids that are shouting or moving about in the car will lead to distractions while you are driving along and even if you think you can handle it, it’s best to pull over and resolve any issues before anything significant happens. Pets are also another thing to think about so ensuring they are in the trunk or the back seat with harness will ensure they stay safe and not moving around while the car is in motion. 

Slow down

Believe it or not, but it’s not a race to see who can get from A to B first. It should be about getting there safely and being considerate to everyone else on the road too. Speeding is another thing most people will have done in their lifetime, and this can be just a few notches above on your speedometer or a staggering amount so considering the implications of your speed is paramount. If you are going fast, your reaction times might be slower, and although you may think you’re in control, other drivers can do unpredictable things that throw you off course. In these cases, your reaction will not cope with a sudden change and might lead to an accident. Sticking to the speed limit and slowing down when you need to won’t hurt anyone and if others are getting impatient, you can rest assured you’re driving safety for you and them in the long run. 

Avoid driving when upset or angry

Emotions can get the better of us, and if you decide to get behind the wheel of a car in an enraged state, this could be bad for you and others around you. Feeling upset is also another issue as you are not able to fully focus on driving while your mind is in another place. Emotive driving can lead to increased speeds, lack of concentration and in extreme cases road rage and accidents. Other drivers don’t need to feel the full force of your hurt so avoiding driving until you have calmed down is the best course of action. 

Stay calm in an accident

Sometimes accidents happen and it can feel make you feel stressed and anxious especially if you were at fault. Traffic accidents can cause a lot of distress so keeping calm at all times will be best for everyone involved. Even if the other party is getting irate, taking the higher ground will help to calm the situation quicker and resolve matters in an efficient way. After the standard procedures are completed, you may need to file an auto accident injury claim to sort any personal trauma out, so getting all the relevant information such as contact and insurance information will help it get sorted quickly. 

Plan long journeys

If you’re going on a road trip and are driving in locations you have little or no experience of, then planning ahead is the best option. One of the worst things you can do it drive to any area blind to what lies ahead, especially if you don’t have updated maps. A lack of knowledge can lead to getting lost and in severe cases accidents, as you don’t know the road systems or routes. It won’t take long to get your bearings but being fully prepared for a road trip will make sure you arrive safely and with no stress when you get to your destination. 

Safe driving is mainly about common sense and remaining vigilant. There are so many hazards, and distractions that can turn into more significant issues but limit these with full focus will ensure you drive safely at all times. Adhering to speed limits and instructions if you are pulled over by the cops will also prevent any problems on your journey and get issues resolved quickly and simply.