The objective of any build is to get the job done as efficiently as possible. This means a focus on minimising the time and money spent on the project, without any detrimental effect on the finished product. There are many ways in which this can be achieved, some of the most important of which are laid out below.


The Project Manager
Hiring a skilled and experienced project manager pays dividends when it comes to running an efficient building site. A good project manager is one of those people who no one ever truly appreciates until something goes wrong, as they can then kick into action to fix the situation. The smooth-running of any build is hinged on the organisation and astute detail put into the schedule by the project manager. A well thought out schedule is essential for a building site to run without a hitch, and it is important to set realistic deadlines to ensure the schedule doesn’t go off-kilter.

Ready Mixed Concrete
Ready mixed concrete provides a great way to save time on your building site, as you don’t need to worry about measuring and mixing it yourself. It can often work out cheaper as well, as you don’t need to pay for workers or machinery to mix it. When it comes to concrete, timing is crucial so be sure to find a provider who is able to deliver exactly where and when you need it. Any delays in delivery will have a knock-on effect for your build and will lead to wasted costs as your workers will be waiting around on the clock. There are providers of ready mixed concrete bags in London who can work to your schedule and deliver this handy resource right to your site.

A clever use of prefabricated elements is another great way to free up time on site. By utilising prefabricated doors, walls and windows, you can significantly reduce your build time without any compromise on quality. By having time consuming elements such as these made in an off-site factory facility, you can create a tighter schedule with less room for glitches.

Reputable Subcontractors
Bad subcontractors can spell disaster for a building site, which is why it’s so important to hire subcontractors with a good reputation to their name. If you take the cheap option with a disregard to their reputation, there is a high likelihood that you will be lumbered with unreliable or inefficient subcontractors who end up costing you more money than you saved.

Health and Safety
Having the proper health and safety measures is another essential if you want to run a tight shop. Accidents are not only dangerous for workers on site, they can also land you in a whole world of pain when it comes to insurance and can lead to costly delays on your build. This is why it really pays to have the proper measures in place, so that you can pre-empt and prevent any issues before a disaster strikes.

By using clever time-saving techniques and materials, and sticking to a stringent but realistic schedule, you can be on your way to an efficient build in no time.