Just as templates have made it a lot easier to design your web pages and build your websites, there are times when this wide array of templates makes you overwhelmed and confused and for several days together you keep staring at them unable to decide which to select and work upon. 


In this article, let us find out how you can select the best design for website templates. So, read on for more insight into the topic in the paragraphs that follows.

Criteria for selecting the right design
Although there are several criteria that will help you in zeroing in on the right template design, yet there are 3 main aspects that you need to consider when you are left with the task of choosing them. 

Aside from the above, the article will also help you to settle for the right type of templates for your online business. So, read on for in-depth knowledge on the same.

Design of the menu bar
The menu bar is oftentimes overlooked but little do people know that it is one of the crucial elements of web designing. When it comes to the menu bar, emphasis is laid on the layout, the position of the menu bar, and the types. 

Since it is the primary tool that will allow your visitors to navigate and browse your website, it serves as a “roadmap” for your visitors. 

However, you must select the layout and the design depending on the type of business you are running online and most importantly, your target audience. So, what are the various aspects that you must keep in mind while designing it? They are as follows-

1. The design you choose must be simple, neat, and the tabs must be understood easily by your visitors. 
2. While designing the layout, it is important that you stick to the general norms of web writing and create a hierarchy of your web pages in which the most important page is on the top and decreases in order of importance as you go down. 
3. The color scheme that is used must be neat and appealing to the eye and not look cluttered.
4. The font size that you use must be clear and visible and not annoying at any point of time. 
5. If you are using images for the background of the menu bar, they must be simple and relevant.

Content width

Depending on the type of services and products you are offering to your clients, the content width design must be selected. Broadly, two types have been identified and they are the so called Full-width designs and Boxed width designs. In case of the former, the image that is at the background is stretched across the screen of your computer starting from left to right. In case of the latter, you get an impression that the content is “framed” or within frames. 

The full-width designs are well suited for mobile responsive templates. The wider designs will allow you to fit in more menu bar tabs. The boxed-width design on the other hand is suitable for tradition websites that are business oriented. 

Header layout for home page
It has been observed that majority of the homepage header templates that allows you to place static images, slideshows, and at times position your video files too. Decide whether you want to opt for this or not. This is because many website designers prefer not to keep that lest it might hurt your brand image. But whether to use it or not depends entirely on the nature of the business and your web designing team members. 

Remember, no two online businesses will have the same requirement as far as website designing and choosing the right templates are concerned. The solutions must be customized and incorporated into the website design after careful evaluation. 

Remember, your website is your online shopping window and you cannot afford to compromise with the quality and the designing parameters that will determine the success of your online business.