It’s natural to hesitate before buying something that is used. Questions understandably flash through the mind. Why is the dealer or seller giving this up? Is it discounted due to defects? Will my item be riddled with issues? Am I about to be a victim of fraud? It sounds dramatic, but in many cases second hand items are underwhelming or entirely defective. Of course, the worries are tenfold when buying something as important as a car if it’s been used. 


However, most drivers do buy second hand cars from dealers in the UK due to tighter earnings. Consequently, if you’re going to do something, you may as well do it properly. Here is a handy guide on how to best buy a used car. 

Dealing with Dealers

Each dealer will offer you a different price. Of course, the trouble with second hand cars is that each will have varying degrees of quality and success on the road. Some dealers may stretch the truth to flog a car or overprice a vehicle that is little more than assemblage of rusty components. Therefore, it’s better to ignore a dealer’s reputation and only make your choice based on the provable facts of the car you’re looking at and your own intuition.  

To do this, you need to be committed to negotiating with the dealers. Each one will have a different price, so scouting around to find the best deal is your new priority. Remember, second hand goods don’t really have a set standard. While they might be MOT ready and technically sound enough to be sold, it’s still not an absolute guarantee that your car won’t fall to pieces next week. Be informed first and don’t be afraid to enquire or haggle, then make your decision. Do not trust in something as shallow as a brand alone.

There’s a Target 

When buying a used car, it’s important to find that perfect balance. Buying a brand-new car will be overly expensive for most people and is simply not an option. However, going to far in the other direction could land you with a motor that may as well be made of mulch. Therefore, you need to buy a used car that sits right in the middle of either end of the spectrum. 

Try to aim for a car that’s 2-3 years old that only has a few thousand miles checked in. This way, you’re likely to get a quality car for the best price possible. Depending on your budget, you need to strike out to find that perfect middle ground of pricing and quality, so maybe alter that range as appropriate to your specific circumstances. 

Getting Insurance 

Insurance can be difficult to acquire, but that’s no excuse to avoid it entirely. After all, should you not have insurance and be discovered by the authorities, you can face hefty fines that can really set you back a long way. This can amount to a tarnished record, and ironically, lead to you being rejected from some insurance offers in future. Additionally, no respectable dealer will sell you a used car without asking for proof of your insurance first. If they don’t ask, that’s a red flag right there. 

Nevertheless, with a bit of effort, you can find the best deal for you. A used car warranty can mean that you are exclusively insured for second hand vehicles, which are of course more prone to fall into a state of disrepair. Consequently, it then makes the most sense to get this kind of coverage for a used vehicle, if and when the faults and issues begin to rack up.