When the child is two-year-old and can understand all the information fully, you can begin to read books together before the sleep like every night habit. Unfortunately, many parents ignore these advices. Moreover, nowadays it`s not strange thing that schoolchildren learn the computer skills very quickly through all kinds of games. But it should warn parents, especially if simultaneously children don`t want to read or write unwillingly

American pediatricians advise reading books to children from the first months of life so that the baby learns the intonation of parents better and develops communication skills faster. Since two years, when the child already consciously perceives information, one can start reading books together, making a small evening ritual out of it. However, not all parents follow these tips. 

Consequently, in our time no one is surprised that children of primary school age quickly master the computer, playing all kinds of "shooters" and “actions.” And this should alarm, and in particular the fact that children at the same time read badly and are reluctant to write. Despite all the modern electronic miracles, the basis for the development of intelligence, without which there can not be good academic performance, has always been reading. Of course, over time, a child can learn to use a computer not only for "games," but this will happen not by itself, but only if his intellect and curiosity pass appropriate development. Otherwise, his interests will be "frozen" at the level of abovementioned games. 

Upbringing Booklover

Of course, the desire to involve the child in collective reading is one thing, and it is quite another to put it into practice. Not every kid can sit for a long time listening to a fairy tale: he can quickly get tired of such a ritual, especially if he is very active. However, there are some universal tips to interest the child with reading and to strengthen the love of books for life.

Take the Age into Account 

Do not forget that up to 1.5-2 years it's better to look at the pictures and comment on what is depicted on them with the child. Do not force the baby to listen to the whole text, because he will quickly lose interest. From 2-2.5 years, start reading books with the whole family. To do this, you can choose a cozy sofa or a special reading area, where the child can later read independently. Adults should read the book alternately every day.


It is necessary to read for a child with expression. In addition to words, use gestures and facial expressions to convey emotions and events that occur in the book.  Actively show that you are also very interested in the events in the book and you also want to know what will happen next.

Involve the Child in the Process

Ask the child: "What do you think will happen next? I wonder what the princess will do?" Motivate the child to repeat after you the facial expressions and gestures or the action that the main characters of the book perform. For example: "At the weekend we will ride a bicycle, like these bears!", "Do you know how to growl like a tiger in a fairy tale?".

Make the Right Choice

When choosing a book, consider the taste of the child, because he should be interested in it. If the child does not like the book you have chosen, do not consider yourself obligated to finish reading it until the end, take the other one and so on until you find the one that will capture your child. Your task is to instill a love of reading, and not the ability to master the book to the end at any cost. After all, you also throw to read a book that you are not interested in. Do not forget that reading even the most interesting book can tire a child. As soon as he began to get distracted, take a break. If you notice that he is more attracted by the action, and the long descriptions make him bored, boldly omit them.

Return to the Book You Have Already Read

Periodically re-read the same book with the child. Children under 5 years old are very fond of knowing how the story ends and love to listen to it several times. Read the book in small doses three times a week at the first acquaintance, and then reread every two weeks. 

Ask Him Questions

To motivate the child to listen carefully, ask him suggestive questions about the heroes from the previous chapters. If a phrase is often repeated in the book, pause after a few words so that the child finishes it. 

Give the Child the Opportunity to Read by Himself

Start reading and, having reached the most exciting place of the plot, stop it. If you interrupt reading under the pretext of fatigue or a sick throat, the baby, of course, will ask for a continuation. Then go for a compromise: "Okay, only I'll rest a minute, and you read me a couple of sentences.” This cunning works, as a rule, in 90% of cases. It is important only to stretch this minute as long as possible. Next time, think of some other reason, you can even leave the child alone with a book (you need to call urgently or someone called you, etc.). 

Another good way is to read by roles. Choose a book with two main characters, distribute the roles and read. This method is also good because the child must follow the text in order to read his words in time, so read slowly. Another interesting way is to arrange an expressive reading (mini-play) at home. Regardless of how the child read, he should be praised and immediately offered a new role from another book. Do not forget to praise the child constantly, even for the smallest successes and be sure to find pleasant words for him after each reading session.

The remarkable results are given by reading in turn. But for this, it is necessary that the book attracts the child and if he certainly wants to read it so you can read one chapter in turn. If the child reads very slowly, read through two chapters, and let him read every third.

Personal Example

In such an important matter as a love of the printed word, a personal example is needed. If there are no books in the house, and parents spend all their free time in front of the TV, it is unlikely that the child will be an active book lover. But even in a reading family, a child who is indifferent to books can grow up. And no matter how much you like to read in your family, the baby will still have to patiently and purposefully be accustomed to reading.

Author bio
reading2.JPGBarbara has served in a number of leadership positions throughout his career including College Dean at three Universities, Tenured University Professor, University Vice Provost, Public School Teacher/Administrator, State of Illinois Teacher Certification Board Member. Besides her main job she is the mother of two children. Also, she has a blog at PhDify.com