As a busy senior executive, you don’t have the time to make mistakes and get things wrong. This is especially true when it comes to selecting the best Senior PA. From ensuring that the candidate that you choose has the relevant skills and experience to making sure they are going to fit with your way of working, there is a lot to consider. 

If you are more focused on finding those with the right skills though how do you know that you are going to choose the person with the right fit for you and the company? Attic Recruitment take a look at some key considerations to make when finding your perfect PA. 


Choosing the right fit

When we discuss the right ‘fit’ we are talking about how the individual will cope with the role. If they are suited to that particular role, how they will get on with others but more importantly how they will interact with you. Will they be able to perform under pressure or offer some flexibility understanding that sometimes they will need to go that extra mile to get the job done. Will they remain motivated and upbeat during the tough times and will they gel with other employees within the organisation?

Let’s take a look at some of the key things that you should be looking for:

Flexibility – if you work in an environment where it is not strictly always 9-5 and things pop up unexpectedly, you want a PA that is flexible. That’s not to say they need to be available to you 24 hours a day but that once in a while you can call on them to work late or work away for example. 

Positivity – Surrounding yourself with negative people is an absolute no. You want someone that says yes, that can find the solutions to problems before they bring them to you and that has a real can-do attitude. To be cheerful and radiate this positivity to others will not only help you but also others within the organisation. This will make such a difference to your working day. 

Good team player – It sounds like such a cliché but it really is extremely important to have a team that gels well. If you have large teams, a PA is often the person that is required to bring them together for meetings or deliver the news that they have to do something as a matter of urgency. 

Forward thinker – There’s a saying that goes ‘if you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got’. What you want is someone that will take things forward using their initiative. Perhaps there are things that would benefit from fresh eyes and a bit of an overhaul. 

If you are looking for a new Senior PA and want to ensure that you only have to go through the recruitment process once with someone that is going to stand the test of time then take some time choose the right candidate. Find that person that you will enjoy working with and that will bring a lot to your organisation.