We are all unique individuals who have different likes, hobbies, and interests. We all look and act differently and that's what makes the world beautiful. There is no reason that anyone should ever be forced to look or act like someone else when they have no desire to do that. That's why, for the longest time, people had a problem with the makeup industry. All across the beauty industry, it seemed that magazines, movies, and more liked to depict "natural beauty" as the main trend for makeup. Luckily Doe Deere came along and changed everything. 

Lime Crime came along in 2008 when there was a desire for colors that were different from the neutral and natural shades of browns, pinks, and reds. Deere craved bright and bold colors and she knew that there were others like her. That's how her cosmetic company came on the scene and it's been making makeup dreams come true ever since. Deere is someone who wants to make sure that her fans are happy at all times. She keeps up with makeup trends on social media, she pays attention to what people want, and above all else, she just likes to make her customers happy. 

One of the most sought-after Lime Crime vegan makeup products are the Venus palettes. The palette series feature bright and bold colors that help you stand out from the crowd and make a statement with a flawless look. The newest palette is the perfect look for spring. It has gorgeous shades of purples and reds. You can either wear them separate or together for a look that is out of this world. The color options are all different. There are mattes, shimmers, and sparkles. It's everything you need to switch up your look and turn heads. This isn't the first palette to be released. There were two before that were equally as gorgeous. 

Lime Crime burst onto the scene with a grunge palette. It featured bright and bold colors like reds, browns, and white. The Venus 2 palette had fun colors such as mustard, marsh green, and a sparkly blue. The best thing about the Venus palettes is that people can create different looks with one palette. If you gave a palette to two different people and told them to do their makeup, they'd come up with different looks. That's because the options are endless. You can layer, stack, and use the colors on their own to create different looks. You can add glittery shimmers to cheeks, eyes, and brows. There are no rules when it comes to the palettes. 

The colors are all very pigmented and they apply easily. No longer do you have to worry about smudging and applying layer after layer. These glide on and stay put throughout your day. Whether you're working, partying, or simply fiddling with makeup at home, you'll be able to create a look that's entirely your own. Deere wants everyone to feel like a magical unicorn. These palettes that her company keeps releasing are helping people to achieve those magical unicorn dreams.