Severe weather can hit at any time. If your community is unprepared to deal with an extreme weather event, you are putting your residents in danger. You can also suffer tremendous financial loss due to damages. Below are 4 ways your community can prepare for extreme weather and minimize its effect.


Lightning Warning System

The lightning you see during a storm is only a fraction of the lightning that is occurring. In-cloud flashes make up a majority of lightning and can be an early indicator of more severe weather to come; however, they cannot be detected by the naked eye. A lightning warning system can provide early and accurate storm warnings. You can even set the system to send important notifications to your mobile device so you constantly have the most up-to-date information about dangerous weather.

Weather Station System

A weather station system collects and records all types of crucial data about the surrounding environment. To keep athletes and spectators safe, it measures humidity and dangerously low temperatures. To increase public safety, it monitors snowy, icy, or stormy conditions. To assist in agriculture, a weather station system can even measure rainfall and help farmers plan accordingly.

Evacuation Route

If your community is in hurricane country, it is imperative to have a designated evacuation route that residents can follow in the event of a storm surge. This information should be readily available, so residents are familiar with the route before they ever need to use it. Encourage those who live in evacuation areas to test out the route during good weather to ease anxiety and confusion when evacuation becomes necessary.

STEM Education

As weather gets more extreme, it will be key to foster interest in STEM fields among students. Weather curriculum in public schools can inspire tomorrow’s weather and climate scientists today.

If your community needs to enhance its responses to extreme weather events, contact the professionals at Earth Networks. They offer accurate weather analysis products that minimize risk and keep communities safe. Call (877) 882-1397 for more information.