WhatsApp Spy App is developed by iKeyMonitor to help parents to monitor their children while using social media. The app is supported by several features which work properly to monitor children’s online activities. Understanding the features and its benefits are very important so parents can use it maximally.


Monitoring All Contents on Your Children’s Smartphone
WhatsApp Spy App is a program to track any kind of contents on the WhatsApp application. The main function is to monitor all the contents of the text messages, voice message, images, videos, screenshots and many more. Even, parents are able to track phone call voices, websites, call history, and GPS locations.

The parents can also easily check all the social media accounts such as Facebook, Skype, WeChat, Line to make sure that their children are safe and use the account based on their age. The goal of the app is to help parents prevent the bad side effects of smartphone and social media for children such as cyberbullying, sexual abuse, negative contents, and many more. iKeyMonitor WhatsApp Spy App is trying to help parents monitor their children actively especially in the internet era. Through the app, as a parent you know if there is something wrong with your children and do the right thing to solve it.

WhatsApp Spy App Helps to Know Children’s Latest Topic
The behavior of tracking your children doesn’t mean you break their privacy. Instead of that, the app helps you know their online activities, trend, topic, and even issues. By understanding all of them, you can find out a way to communicate better with your children. You can start by discussing an interesting topic that they know. It is hard to do if you don’t know the detail of what your children have done while doing their online activities. WhatsApp Spy App is a solution to know all about it secretly because most children don’t want to share anything related to their online activities even to their parents.

Helps to Know Children’s Problems Earlier
Mostly, parents don’t realize that their children are in trouble and it might be caused by the social media. At the same time, the children don’t want to discuss their problem at all because they are afraid, ashamed, worried, and depressed. Indeed, you must know the problem and solve it. The best way to know their problem is by tracking their social media and smartphone. You know what they have discussed, watched, hear, seen, shared, and read. Then, you can analyze it to find out the problem.

It seems impossible to force your children to give their smartphone and iKeyMonitor is trying to make it easier by offering WhatsApp Spy App. You can track and monitor everything has been done by your children with their social media and smartphone so you know the problem earlier. The earlier you know the problem, the better so you can prevent unwanted conditions.

Safe Your Children from Strangers
Talking with strangers is also a common online activity. You must know the people who have talked with your children and also the topic of discussion. If there is something strange or unusual, you may do some actions to save your children. WhatsApp Spy App is supported by high tech features to achieve those goals.

As you can see, children are faced with various dangers when they enjoy themselves on the Internet world. Making use of iKeyMonitor WhatsApp spy app can help parents know what children are doing online and protect them from the dangers and harms to the greatest extent.