
If you’re planning to visit Barcelona, or even thought of doing so, congratulations, for it is a step in the right direction. This Iberian coast city in Catalonia will never fail to impress. If you’re wondering why, we’re here to tell you. Your Spanish holiday will never be complete without the compulsory trip to Barcelona and your compulsory trip to Barcelona will be unlike any adventure you have or will undertake. Here are seven reasons that will make Barcelona the top destination on your bucket list.

1. The Best Food
Gastronomically speaking, there’s nothing to not like about this city. Foodies from all over the world have arrived here and returned with tingling taste buds and marvelous memories. Catalan cuisine, you see, is based on the general Mediterranean diet with olive oil, bread and cereals. So, essentially, you have the spices of Asia with a dash of Europe. Try their seafood too - it's amazing. You will get everything from fresh fruits to fresh fish all throughout the city.

2. Coastal Climate and Pleasant Winters
Barcelona’s climate is costal - of course, because it's right on the Iberian coast. This means, you won’t have scorching summers, but warm, pleasant ones. This also means the winters will certainly not be so harsh. If you live straight up north or far down south, do drop in to Barcelona to escape from bitter cold winters.

3. Stunning Views and Beauty
When you arrive in Barcelona, the best way to see the city is not from within, but from above. You can choose between Tibidabo hill and Bunker des Carmel to give you a breathtaking view of the Spanish coast and the city before it, spread below. When in town, visit the Born neighborhood with its regal old past and the old city to view the past that Barcelona has been through. 

4. Culturally Rich, Practically Modern
Barcelona is not a new city. Here, you could soak in years of history and culture, while you shop from the best of international brands. The city’s many museums hold memories of a bygone era which you could enter - all you must do is buy a ticket. Barcelona is a modern society and like much of Europe, people will share your liberal views. 

5. Football (FC Barcelona) And Awesome Festivals
Barcelona is home to one of the best football clubs in the world - FC Barcelona. Camp Nou is the stadium which the team is based out of. If you can, try to drop in for a match, joining hundreds of cheering locals in the Mexican wave. Outside Camp Nou, the locals will be as lively in the city’s various festivals. There’s one you’ll find in June, but that’s just one of the many events the city celebrates.

6. Beaches and Activities
Barcelona is home to Spain’s most exotic beaches. You could relax here with your jug of beer, or sink in the welcoming waters of the Iberian coast as you destress on your holiday. The best way to explore Barcelona is by a hired bike, which allows you to roam at leisure. You’ll find plenty of rentals all around the city - just make your choice. Better still, if you’re unsure, rely on a Barcelona guided tour to show you the way.

7. Nightlife That Is Unparalleled
Barcelona’s public and tourists love to party! The city is dotted with various exotic clubs that you could visit to dance the night away. If you wish to keep away from the nightlife, you could relax in the comfort of your room, reading fantasy novels by Ray Bradbury. Did we tell you how much the Barcelonians love to read?

That was quite a list! You will have read our exhaustive set of reasons to visit the city of many dreams. Let us assure you of the accuracy in what we said. Few or no people have returned from Barcelona with unpleasant memories. The city is safe, its festivals are brilliant, its food is delicious, it's game (of football, naturally) is strong and its locals are very friendly. So, what are you waiting for?