While the technological revolution has taken the youngest generation by storm, the senior citizens are not far behind. They are gradually adapting to the internet and staying more connected. In fact, 71% of the seniors access the internet on a daily basis.


Why Do They Access The Internet?

The infographic diligently created by the team behind MedAlertHelp.org shows what are the main reasons for seniors to go online:

To access information about their favorite topics

To follow political topics and updates

For checking the news and the weather

Fo online shopping and finding information on current discounts and deals

To play games and doing other fun activities, such as watching videos

The most significant reason for going online, however, is to stay in touch with family and friends through email or social networks. To put this into numbers, 75% of their online time is spent on social networks, while 20% of the time belongs to checking emails.

Are They Dependent Only On Smartphones? 

The answer is no! Around 58% of the senior citizens aged 80 or above use cell phones and 17% use smartphones. The use of old-fashioned cell phones and smartphones is the highest among the age group of 70-74, where 93% use cell phones and 49% use smartphones.

However, a a lot of them are also dependent on their desktops for browsing the internet. Of the seniors aged between 65-75, 60-65% use home broadband to connect to the internet. Around 30% of the same age group still use desktops while 64% prefer using smartphones. 

Why Haven’t Others Adapted To The Internet Technology? 

Health issues or physical conditions are the primary reasons for some of the seniors for not using smartphones or desktops in their daily lives. However, there are also those who are apprehensive of the role of technology in everyday life and doubt the authenticity of the information found online.

Online harassment is also one of the reasons why seniors avoid using digital media. Most importantly, 77% of them are not well-accustomed to this technology and need some help or constant guidance from someone to take them through the process. 

To have a look at more intriguing insights, check out the infographic below!