Companies invest money, time and effort in their security systems. They use antivirus software, monitor networks. IT departments teach employees to protect their computers and data against malware. But do they consider operating systems deployed on the staff’s PCs? Most likely, no. They did not even think about security when OS was selected. But this is an important question. And here is why.


When creating their tricky malware, hackers search for vulnerabilities in users’ PCs. Windows, Mac, Linux – each system has its strengths and weaknesses. And hackers enjoy searching those.

So, which computer system is safer?
You probably heard the phrase – Security through obscurity. It depicts the situation with computer systems well. Majority of PCs use Windows. And they become a tidbit for hackers. Cybercriminals create malware to target as many machines as possible. They want to be sure that their attacks bring results. Obviously, bigger numbers mean better results. With this in mind, we can say that Windows is less secure.

Mac users may breathe a sigh of relief. But not for long. Mac OS has been biting more of the market. And cybercriminals are well aware of that. They understand the potential of Mac. So, most likely, malware for Mac will raise. In fact, experts have already observed a growing number of threats for Macs. 

What about Linux? 
It appears to be more secure. This is one of the biggest Linux advantages over Windows and Mac. Not so many users operate Linux on their machines. This makes them less attractive to hackers. 
Also, the Linux system is closed by nature. In Windows, users are given administrator access by default. This means they can access anything on the system. So do viruses. On the contrary, Linux users usually get lower-level accounts. If a virus gets into a PC with Linux, it will damage this single machine. The whole system will stay uninfected. 

Linux makes users stay alert. Emails with attachments deliver viruses and Trojans to PCs. It is easier to spread those to Windows systems. Most of the time users don’t even think what they open. The result? The whole organization may suffer. To open an attachment in Linux, you first need to read the email. Then you should save the attachment. Your PC will ask you for permissions. You will think twice before doing anything wrong. See the difference?

How about smartphones and tablets? 
The debate here goes between iOS and Android. Experts say that the vast majority of mobile viruses sits on Android. Reason? Well, Android is the market leader, and it means that getting the best antivirus for Android tablet or smartphone is always a good idea.

Now you know which devices are likely to be targeted. However, none of the OS, including Linux guarantee a 100% security to its users. In fact, it is a matter of users not taking the necessary precautions. 

IT departments should build additional protection to improve the security of devices and network. Antivirus and antimalware software do a great job. Just don’t forget to update them regularly. Users must be cautious too. Never open suspicious emails or links. Using VPN is another way to stay safe on the Internet.
Stay secured!