
Cape Town is a great tourist city that offers a wide range of experiences for visitors. There are numerous ways to enjoy the city but one of the most popular is visiting nearby wildlife parks. The nearby locations are breathtaking and the adventures are limitless. While most people prefer going for a safari only, it is definitely not the best way to have a valuable experience. A combo trip that includes the safari, however, is just the ideal way to experience the city. Here is why.

Great Value

Moving from the city to the safari gives you the best value. You can be able to spend quality time before embarking on the safari and have a great culmination in a fabulous location near Kruger National Park. There are indeed many options to choose from and the experience can be customized to serve your needs. Needless to say, such a proposition also reduces the hustle of moving from place to place without an actual plan on what to do.

Quality Accommodation and Amenities

You also get to enjoy quality accommodation whenever you choose a combination trip from the city. You will be dealing with experts who understand the different safari setups and you will thus get to enjoy the best of what is offered locally. A Cape Town combo trip will feel just like the ultimately as you go from the city and transition into the wilderness and back.


A lot of times, traveling is a tough process that could bring a lot of inconveniences. This is especially true when you are not familiar with the local landscape. With a combination safari, you are guaranteed of conveniently enjoying the wild without any delays or mishaps along the way. The ease of movement from the safari to your lodge and back will definitely make the experience worthwhile.

It is a Fulfilling Adventure

You will get to enjoy the company of local experts who not only give you tips about the different places that you will visit. Most times when you are on tour, the little tips that you receive from people who understand the area are crucial when you want to fully enjoy your expedition. When you opt for a combo experience, you will get to meet several people along the way who know the area and who will be more than willing to offer you tips.


Most structured tour experiences do not offer a lot of flexibility. You can either choose to have a single trip into the parks or game reserves while you miss out on opportunities to do other things along the way. This is not the case with a combined experience, however. You can get to do various things and enjoy various safari activities while on the same trip. 

Cape Town is one of the best places to experience a quality safari. Depending on how you plan your safari, you can either find your experience to be lacking or very fulfilling. The Cape Town safari combo experience is definitely a unique proposition that gives you value and quality whenever you are in the city.