
Balance is something that we try to achieve in our lives because a life in balance is a life that is well lived - a life lived to the fullest. We aim to practice balance in different aspects in our lives: family, work, social life, friends, spirit and alone time. We strive to keep the juggling of all these elements in balance - a skill we muster to master in time, age, experience and growth. However, no matter how hard we try to balance things in our life - there are things that nature just won't let us balance. There are things that are forever not under our control - but we can always try our best and do everything in our power to keep the scale from overly tipping against our favor.

One thing that we don't have absolute control over is the hormonal activity that happens inside our bodies. Just like any other elements that are inside operating inside our system - the wellness and balance of these hormones are critical to our health, wellness, and welfare. These hormones are not entirely under our control but the opposite is also true - our daily habits and activities directly affect the activities of our hormones. Though there might be genetically related illnesses that can be directly related to the behavior of our hormones - otherwise, our daily activities, diet, and habits are the main factors for the behavior and activity of our hormones.


One of the hardest abnormalities to identify in our body system is a hormonal imbalance. It is because hormonal imbalance can be correlated and simply mistaken as simple, everyday complaints: like headaches, tummy trouble, joint pain, muscle pain, nausea, dizziness, and the like. Hormonal imbalances, when not immediately given attention and promptly given proper medical attention - can lead to more serious diseases, and some are even fatal. Some hormone imbalance related diseases are: diabetes, hyperthyroidism, Cushing syndrome and hypogonadism. This is what happens when we have hormonal imbalance and we do not identify it right away. This is why it is important to go to any medical attention and seek professional help right away when we experience abnormalities in our body - no matter how small.

Because of the dangers of hormone imbalance, we have to practice a healthy lifestyle, a well-watched diet and a fine fettle routine. There are some things that we can do in order to keep our hormonal balance in check:

Consume enough protein at your every meal - make sure that you are composed enough protein because protein provides amino acids that our body factories can't produce on their own. Our dietary proteins also control the release of our appetite controlling hormones - and that hormone is ghrelin.

Take in supplements! These little capsules can help you balance out the nutrients that you miss out on your regular diet.

Maintain your HGH level by consuming the best quality hgh supplements. Your HGH is responsible for growth and is produced by your pituitary gland. It is also responsible for your metabolism, bone growth, body fluids, muscle growth and adds to the proper function of your heart.

Engage in physical activities and exercise. Getting exercise is critical to maintaining a good balance to your hormones. One of the best benefits of exercise is that it reduces insulin levels, and it increases insulin sensitivity. Insulin is a chemical that is directly related to some fatal diseases - too much insulin and an individual can end up with diabetes, head diseases and cancer. Engage in exercise so your body can control your hormonal behavior to reduce your risks of disease.

Avoid refined sugar and processed and refined carbohydrates. Sugar and refined carbs are directly linked to altering the hormonal activity and they can also lead to diseases like obesity, diabetes and the like. Fructose can heighten insulin levels and proliferate insulin resistance. So skip that next chocolate bar!

Attempt to live a stress-free life (even if it's impossible!) Of course stress is part of our lives -but we must try to put ourselves in situations that doesn’t expose us to extreme, unhealthy stress. Chronic stress can cause cortisol levels to heighten which can lead to obesity.

Take note of these tips to keep the balance in our body in check. Ultimately, we are still the masters of our body and we decide what happens to it!