
Hiring an electronics manufacturing service can be hugely beneficial for the production of your product. By outsourcing electronic components, you can save a significant amount of money and time on your electronic assembly. However, you won't want to just use the first electronics manufacturing service that you come across. It's important that you vet each service you're considering before you make your decision. If you end up with poor service, it will no doubt affect the quality of your product. 

As such, the following are six questions you should make sure to ask every electronics manufacturing service before you decide who to hire:

1. What certifications do you have?

The more certifications that an electronics manufacturing service has, the better. They tend to be a good indicator of their overall quality. This is because, in order to obtain and maintain certification, an electronics manufacturing service for your pcb assembly must meet a certain standard of quality, whether it's the actual quality of the product, where they source their materials from, how the product is handled in post-production, and more. Not only is it a great sign of their quality if they do have multiple certifications, but it shows that they hold themselves to a higher standard in obtaining those certifications.

2. Will you provide a project manager?

Many electronics manufacturing services will assign project managers to your product. This is essential due to the fact that the moment you outsource a component in your production, the number of people and moving parts that need to be coordinated will increase significantly. A project manager will help with this coordination, which means that they will be responsible for all of the production teams and suppliers that are working towards manufacturing the component and not you. Essentially, a production manager will make things much easier for you and will help make things more efficient as well.

3. How transparent are you?

Transparency is very important. There are several different ways in which you want an electronics manufacturing service to be transparent. For example, you'll want to know what kind of financial situation they're in. The service you work with should have sufficient funds to support heavy capital investments as well as additional requirements. If you work with a service that is in financial trouble, it could affect their ability to manufacture your product to your specifications and by your deadline.

They should also be more than willing to share where they get their supplies from and about any questions in general regarding their quality assurance. Not to mention that they should provide you with an in-person guide of their manufacturing facility so that you can take a look at their manufacturing process for yourself. Any electronics manufacturing service that won't provide answers to such questions, can't provide you with their financial information, or won't provide an in-person tour of their facilities is not being transparent.

4. Can we expect clear and regular communication?

Whoever you work with should be willing to provide in-depth details about their business structure. Ask how often they communicate with their clients and how easy they are to get into contact with. Ask if they will let you know if any issues come up. A good electronics manufacturing service will let you know the moment any issues arise. Be wary of a service that tells you that you don't have to worry about any issues because they will take care of them. It's better to know if anything goes wrong so that you can remain in the loop.

5. What kind of equipment are you using?

Make sure that whoever you hire is regularly updating their equipment and has the most advanced and modern manufacturing technology available. The electronics field is constantly changing and if they don't regularly upgrade their equipment, they will fall behind quickly, which means that their manufacturing capabilities will be limited. It will be difficult for them to manufacture new products using new technology if their equipment is outdated.

6. Can you provide references?

A simple question, but you should have a pretty good idea of how trustworthy the electronics manufacturing service is based on their answer. In other words, don't accept anything other than a "yes." If they tell you no, then you should be wary about either their lack of experience or the fact that they might be hiding poor relationships with previous clients. A trustworthy and reliable electronics manufacturing service will not only answer "yes," they will provide a list of references that you can reach.

When it comes to your electronic assembly, you'll want to make sure that you hire a high-quality electronics manufacturing service that you can trust and depend on. These are six questions you should make sure to ask when vetting such a service before you make the decision to hire them.