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Nursing uniforms are definitely important not only because they help give nurses a professional appearance but also have a significant impact on the wearers’ performance. As a matter of fact, the uniform is like a badge for the nurses and comes with a sense of pride for those who like their career. However, choosing the right uniform for yourself is very important as it plays a role in how you’ll look as you go about your work. As you go about your work during the day or night, you need to look good and this in a way enhances your performance as you interact with your patients. Below are some tips to help you choose the best nursing uniform as you offer those medical tests and other services: -

The cost

As you buy the uniform, quality will definitely be a major consideration for you. Nursing uniforms just like all other attires come in different qualities and this also determines their pricing. You shouldn’t of course go for the cheapest available as this might not guarantee durability. However, there are some uniforms that might be cheaper but offer the same performance as the expensive ones. This means you should check the quality and weigh this against the cost to help you pick the right one. Check the stitches, avoid running colors and pick something branded if possible. 


Depending on the department you work in, the color will definitely be a consideration to factor in. However, blue and white are the classic colors of choice for uniforms including scrubs and the best thing is that they will go well with all professional dress code. White uniform may however not be an ideal choice for some departments such as maternity and ER but would work in others just fine. Most nurses however would prefer dark neutrals but if working as a pediatrician, then bright colors will be ideal as they provide an atmosphere ideal for the little ones. 


Uniforms come in myriad of designs and choosing one the best works for you is essential. We all have different preferences and what works for Jill might not work for Jane. As such, you should consider a design that goes well with your body shape and the overall preference. If you’re bold enough, have the know-how, designing and sewing your own uniform will be ideal especially if you have the sewing essentials. When it comes to design, some of the things you will need to consider include neckline, length, silhouettes and sleeves among others. Consider when best works for you as long as there’s no set standard that you must adhere to. However, make sure your nursing uniform looks professional. 


The functionality is obviously paramount when it comes to the selection of your nursing uniform. There are several things to consider under this including the pockets, fabrications and care instructions among others. When it comes to the pockets, you will need to consider the kind of medical gear you carry around and see whether a single or multiple pockets will work well for you. For example, if your work is to perform medical tests at any diagnostic centre like testcountry.com, you may need to carry with you an oral drug test kit. As such, consider the size of the kits and choose a uniform that can comfortably accommodate them. There are several options available when it comes to the pockets including patch pockets which are ideal if you have to carry your cell phones and small medical instruments around.


Uniforms for nurses come in different types of fabrics and each has its own cons and pros. Over the years however, many nurses have preferred 100% cotton as the material has a perfect breathability. You can however opt for  as the material can stretch, comes with moisture-wicking technology and makes you feel comfortable whenever you wear it.

Nursing uniform care instructions

As a nurse, your schedule is always busy and buying a uniform that requires special care will only be troublesome for you. To avoid the inconvenience that comes with some of these uniforms, it’s good to pick something that is machine washable, tumble dry and wrinkle-resistant. You don’t want to invest in a uniform that will keep you ironing for 30 minutes or one that requires some special attention. Look for design details that will enhance the comfort of your uniform on a daily basis. 

You may also want to pick a uniform that has stain resistance, easy pocket accessibility and double or triple-stitched seams. These are excellent qualities as far as uniform durability and functionality is concern and you can never go wrong with this kind of a selection. As a nurse, you would want to exude confidence as you attend to your patients and your uniform plays a very important role in this.