
Shopping online has made life so much easier for you as consumers. You can now purchase clothes, toys, gifts, and even gadgets over the Internet, without having to leave the comforts of your home. 

Moreover, you have the luxury of comparing goods and prices offered by a variety of online stores before you make a final decision on the merchandise you want. As an added perk, there are numerous ways for you to get your products at the best prices if you know the tricks for finding the best deals. 

1. Take advantage of coupons and discount codes.


Be a smart shopper by using coupons when you purchase your goods online. When you canvass for products on the Internet, search for discount vouchers and codes that you can apply to your purchase. 

To attract customers to buy from them, websites give enticing discounts and promos. All you have to do is look for the discount codes that apply to the product or service you want. 

For example, you’re shopping around for a much-needed vacation. Check out this virgin holidays online discount code and see the variety of options you have for travel destinations. You’d be surprised at all the good deals you can avail of. 

2. Install the plug-in called Honey on your browser. 

Be on the constant lookout for discount coupons and vouchers by letting the plug-in Honey help you out. What Honey does is to search for updated promo codes on the Internet while you’re shopping around on various websites. Then, it automatically matches your product with applicable codes that offer the best discounts.

For example, you link up your Amazon account with Honey. Right away, you’ll be able to see relevant discount codes on all the products you want to purchase. Imagine having an online personal assistant at your disposal, keeping a constant eye out for maximum discounts and promos. 

3. Leave the items you want in the website’s shopping cart and delay purchasing. 

Even if you’re so determined to buy a product that you’ve fallen in love with already, it pays to wait. Online stores monitor the products you leave in your account’s shopping cart and will find ways to convert your “cart abandonment” into sales. 

This usually happens when you attempt to close the website you were shopping on, and a pop-up appears offering you an enticing discount or promo. Check if the promo is substantial enough for you to turn back and finally buy. Sometimes, though, the discount offers will come in a few hours or days. So, be patient.

4. Go incognito when you’re browsing online. 

Nowadays, online stores have tools to identify your shopping preferences and demographics. They, then, tailor-fit the prices they show when you search with your profile as a consumer. 

For example, if your location indicates that you live in a pretty expensive area, some online stores display higher prices for their products than if your location showed you live in a less expensive community. Interestingly, certain rates such as hotel rates might increase if your search engine detects that you’re using a Mac computer, as opposed to searching on a PC. 

To get yourself the best deals regardless of where you live, what computer you use, or what products you’ve purchased in the past, search incognito. When you do this, online stores will only display default prices. This is an especially helpful tip when you’re on the hunt for the most affordable flights or hotel accommodations.

5. Give up-and-coming shops a chance. 

Another online shopping hack you can try is to search for new, yet trustworthy shops. Usually, these will be startup businesses who are selling the same products. Since they want to attract customers to do business with them, smaller online merchants usually offer lower and better prices. 

Moreover, these smaller shops possibly offer faster responses to queries and more personalized customer service. When you inquire with these shops, ask for a discount for your purchase. 

To find those golden small online merchants, search for the specific product you want on Google. When search results come up, go to the second and third pages of the results. The lower-ranking sites are the small businesses you’d want to check out for good deals. 

6. Spot spelling mistakes in product entries to find bargain deals. 

Fortunately, for you as an online shopper, many sellers aren’t fantastic spellers. Believe it or not, this can work in your favor. You can search for misspelled eBay entries that’ll probably offer lower prices because many customers never even find these entries. 

To make the eBay hunt easier for you, there are specialist search sites you can take advantage of. Sites such as BargainChecker, Fatfingers, Goofbid, and Baycrazy comb through eBay just searching for all spelling mistakes. 

For example, you’re searching for a Fujifilm camera online, use a specialist search site to help you find misspelled listings, such as “Fujfilm,” “Fjifilm,” and “Fujifim.” You’ll end up with quite a few options of good camera models at bargain prices. 

7. Buy just a little bit more to qualify for free delivery. 

Once you’re about to check out your purchases online, see how much more you need to spend in order to avail of the website’s free delivery. If your total cost is just slightly below the required amount, it might be better if you add another product instead of shelling out money for delivery cost. 

For instance, you’re purchasing a purse for £49, and the delivery fee is £3.50. If you need a total of £50 to avail of free delivery, choose a product that costs £1, and you already qualify. You save £2.50 by doing that.


Gone are the days when you’d have to get dressed and drive your car to the mall or grocery. Save yourself a lot of time and energy by going online to shop. Nowadays, online shopping is the efficient thing to do. 

Add the pleasure of purchasing your favorite products and services online by saving yourself some money when you know the hacks to finding the good discounts and bargains. Make smart shopping a breeze by learning all about the promos you can possibly get from your go-to online stores.