For the world traveller, life doesn’t function the way it does for everyone else. Your bags function as your wardrobe, storage closet, bathroom cabinet and office. When you’re on the go there are so many essentials you need to have to make sure you never find yourself inconvenienced. You want to make sure you constantly look and feel good. This is especially important for people who work while they travel. Tech isn’t just a matter of convenience, it’s a matter of survival. 


You want to have every cool gadget and gizmo at your fingertips so you really get to experience the wonders of modern travel. You also want to be connected so you stay on top of work and all that needs to get done. There’s always new clever innovations that unlock new possibilities for when you’re travelling the world with your laptop. If you’re looking to upgrade your virtual office here are a few ideas that will elevate your next trip. 

Smart Luggage

Imagine having a bag that charges your gadgets, that has a tracker on it and can be locked remotely. No, this is not a bag from Mission Impossible, it’s a bag you can actually own! The bags also have a built-in wifi hotspot, Bluetooth, weighing and more. Now your luggage can do more than carry a bag around and actually make your life even more convenient. 

The cool thing is you can take this bag to any of your travels, whether you’re taking a Caribbean cruise, flying to Australia or going on an RV road trip. The great thing is, you’ll never have to worry about making any major changes to the RV to add all these things because they’re right in the bag. This makes it risk free and something that could please all RV extended warranty experts, because there’s no chance of voiding the warranty. 

Travel Steam Iron 

No one ever dares bring their iron on a trip because you can get it at the hotel, and you’d rather use the space for something else. But what about when you’re on the go and you need to give your clothes a quick press? Enter a tiny hand held iron that you can pop in your luggage. It doesn’t take up much space, and it can give your clothes that extra crispness without lugging around the iron you keep at home. 

Sim Card Free WiFi Hotspot 

WiFi is not going to be reliable or even available in some of the places you’ll go to, and when you’re out of the country, you might not be able to get access to a sim card to quickly get online. A hotspot that can connect with a sim card is a perfect solution for this scenario. At the press of a button, you can be online and in touch with the world. 

Laptop Power Bank 

Nowadays everyone carries a trustee power bank in their purse, car or backpack, but when you’re a digital nomad you need something that can pack a lot more lunch. When you work on your laptop like most freelancers tend to do, the last thing you want is to be caught with a flat battery. Investing in a laptop power bank will mean you never have to run out of battery, and disturb the important work you’re doing. 

Noise Cancelling Headphones 

Many people get work done while they wait at the airport, but it can be so busy with the activity, movement and crowds. If you have noise cancelling headphones, you can completely zone into your work and not even notice all the craziness. You can actually use them to get a little more zen in your travel experience, without paying a lot of money. 

Travelling doesn’t have to feel like you’re leaving all your favorite conveniences around, with a lot of the latest innovation, you can have ease, convenience and comfort right in your suitcase. You can iron your clothes, have fully charged gadgets and enjoy many other luxuries of a tech-filled travel experience. You can also stay connected and get work done without it being a stressful experience, so you’ll always do your best work.