Many businesses hosting websites have large volumes of data that need to be stored in a powerful dedicated server for smooth operations. In this article, we evaluate why considering a dedicated server is advantageous to the organisation.  In dedicated configurations, each server is dedicated to each customer making all the resources of the machine to be available to that business at any given time. 


This hosting configuration devotes a server to a single purpose and has numerous benefits that will make your business want to have one.

 It gives freedom of control that is not available to other hosting solutions. Its dedication to just one client makes it unique and easy to tailor make ones specific needs for each client. Through this, selection and pay features are paid on what one exactly needs, making it unique. 

Today,the client’s around the world wants convenience,and hence there is a need to have a website that is extremely very fast and functional all times without experiencing downtimes. This configuration will help your organisation achieve that because it allows high performance and stability in websites. This will ensure business functions are operational around the clock.

Providers also ensure server monitoring and back up is done to keep functions running smooth. 

Eliminating congestion
Shared hosting options usually experience traffic that leads to congestion because usage levels are high and many applications are running on the same server,unlike the dedicated ones which don’t compete with any other websites or applications for bandwidth, CPU usage & disk space. The nature of dedicated server hosting ensures that resources are dedicated to one website and no disruption can interfere. 

Dedicated platforms tend to be more secure due to their tailored nature. Deploying security measures and having firewall configurations is easy. This is due to the factor that shared hosting has threats of neighbouring clients being attacked and causing your website to be at risk too. Furthermore, dedicated servers are located in well-secured data centres that have biometric authentication and mantraps making them safer. 

Dedicated hosting has better support which ensuresminimal site disruption and ready support at any given time,unlike the shared hosting which lacks specialised support to maintain the server effectively.

Most dedicated server hosting has a service level agreement that offersa guarantee on network availability and response to queries from technical engineers,unlike shared hosting. This ensures continuity of business,and hence customers require selecting a service provider who can be reliable to ensure the smooth running of the business.As a business, you cannot want instances, where your customers cannot log in to their portals when placing orders or making payments thus reliability of the site, is very crucial and having a dedicated server helps you accomplish this.

Dedicated server hosting is without a doubt the best hosting option for serious businesses and choosing the best host will go a long way in ensuring your business is successful. This eventually improves business performance.