Storage is the most common and the most important element in the current market and a number of companies are looking out for the best possibility in this field. Though there are so many options available such as Microsoft, Google, and so many others, one name that is trending recently is AWS. Amazon Web Services or AWS is known to be one such name that has left behind some of the top competitors in the market. It has been proven that AWS is able to provide 10 times better options than many other similar products available currently. 


This is one of the prime reasons why many of the firms all over the world is going crazy for the service and has preferred it in comparison to the other service providers. Because of this, the demand for the AWS training certification courses have also increased because candidates are taking them up in order to gain better opportunities in the best companies across the globe. 

But in order to understand why candidates across the world are approaching towards course options such as AWS certified cloud practitioner, it is more important to understand the various benefits that AWS offers to the firms and organizations worldwide. After all, the demand of the course has been increasing because firms are adopting the system in a huge way across the globe. 

Affordable By Start-Ups
One of the major problems that take place today is that the start-ups have to struggle a lot due to the lack of funds and higher investments. A number of people have imagined that the services of AWS are also for the wealthier section similar to many other service providers. But this conception is absolutely unreal because the AWS services have been offering a great support to the start-ups. This is because AWS does not support the higher licensing cost that many of the other software options leverage. Exploring the AWS marketplace, the firms can come across a wide range of options that are quite affordable even for the start-ups. There are options available at hourly-priced mode and that too with no such extreme costs. 

No Commitment
If you are not sure whether you will be able to continue with the service provider or not in future, you can still take up the AWS option because they do not need any commitment from your side, even for a month. Whatever service you take such as that of content delivery, data warehouse, hosting, or any other, everything is charged on per hour basis. The moment you think that you cannot take up the services further ahead for any of your personal reasons, you can terminate the services then and there and the charges for the next hour and ahead will be not charged on you. 

No Negotiations
Negotiations are time-consuming and also highly frustrating at times when you do not get a price that you have thought of. Understanding such issues, AWS is not involved in any such negotiation things. In fact, the service provider has dropped down its prices in many of the sections for over 30 times in last many years. If you wish to get the optimized prices of the AWS services, you can get a check at some of the best places such as Cloudcheckr, Cloudyn, and many others. 

Procurement of servers is quite time-consuming where you might land up taking as many as 10 days or so. Apart from this, procurement of the software license again may take up the same amount of time. This can happen due to a number of reasons such as the infrastructure, the hosting, and many others. But it is not the case with the AWS services. AWS can offer you with the servers in just within few hours and that also without getting a separate license for your various software options. 

Pay Per Use
Though the prices of the AWS services much lower in comparison to others, also they offer you many such options that make your investment even shorter. One of the techniques is through the pay per use option. There are so many services that you can make use of such as CDN integration, launching new servers, transcoding media files, and many others. You do not have to pay for all these in a package. AWS offers you to pay for only those services that you happen taken use of and also only about that much that you have used. Of course, this will save a huge amount of investment in such services. A large number of startups can actually benefit from such an offer. 

AWS is known to have a huge infrastructure not only over the internet but also in physical terms. These are not only huge infrastructures but also quite secure ones. Some of the highlights of such secure infrastructures that can be admired are: 

The data centers of AWS have been equipped with security guards who are have the responsibility to take care of the center for 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Not only is this, the access to the centers also authorized through privileged option only. 
There are different geographical regions where the service provider offers availability zones so that work does not get hampered in case of different failures such as system failure as well as natural disaster. 
There are in-built firewalls that can be configured as per your freedom such as either making it public or private or also a moderate one. 
It offers you the leverage option so that you can keep a track of various activities done by different users on the AWS. 
Apart from this, there are also many other highlights such as encrypted data storage, private subnets, and many others. 

Of course, in order to identify the needs of the infrastructure, guess work is done maximum of the times. The working of AWS is much different in this case. The service provider offers you have a auto-scaling system that can help you in building up a self-managing infrastructure that can help you in coming up with the real needs depending upon a number of factors such as resource utilization and many others. This is done by spinning up clones in various regions through AMIs and getting the actual picture. 

Different APIs
APIs are available in almost all the service providers that you come across. These APIs are highly useful in a number of ways such as taking backups, launching new instances, and many others. When it comes to AWS, there are a number of such APIs that you can come across for your infrastructure such as AWS Free Tier, AWS Activate Packages, AWS Jumpstart, and many others. 

Amazon has now come up with its presence at as many as 10 different regions and about 50 locations. The services offered by AWS are currently highly scalable such as backup, transcoding, data warehousing, and many others.
Based on so many benefits that AWS has been offering to different firms and organizations, it can be said that the future of AWS is quite bright in next coming few years also. As the companies are adopting the AWS options, they are more in need of professionals who are experts in the services and knowledge of AWS. 

This has of course, led a number of candidates to take up certification courses in AWS in order to learn in-depth about the services offered. Having learned all the possible techniques of the service provider, it becomes quite beneficial for the candidates because they are able to use them properly in dealing with the AWS. Also, it makes their resume much credible as their demand in the market increases to much higher level. Along with a great opportunity ahead, these candidates are also able to fetch a good and handsome salary package from the various firms and organizations across the world.