
Technology is everywhere. It’s on your phone, car and computer. It is now utilized for almost every aspect of living. With so many improvements made over the past decade, technology has now made it possible to play games with people all around the world. But, how has technology really changed gaming? Well, as mentioned previously gamers can now connect with each other regardless of their location. That is only one example, continue reading this article to find more ways technology has enhanced gaming.

Voice Recognition

Voice recognition allows gamers to perform specific actions in a hands-free manner. This software is now embedded into devices so gamers can utilize their voice to send out commands. There is no doubt that this technology has a long way to go, but so far it has improved the gaming experience like nothing you've ever seen before. Utilizing voice commands to control gameplay was once a dream. Today, it is a reality and millions of gamers are utilizing the technology for other purposes as well. It can be utilized to surf the web and interact on social media, the possibilities are endless.

High Definition (HD)

Gaming has improved with the integration of high definition. This technology provides image resolution that is much higher than that offered by standard-definition. Today, gamers can see even the tiniest detail clearly. HD shows details that could not be seen before. In fact, it gives the illusion that you are inside the game.

Virtual Reality (VR)

It has taken a little while for people to catch onto the greatness of virtual reality. This software is described by many as the “next dimension” in the world of gaming. The technology is integrated into headsets so you are not connected to a computer or console. The wireless headset alone enhances the gaming experience, but when you combine it with VR the possibilities are endless. VR headsets are generally not utilized for online casinos, but just imagine how it could improve the gambling experience. 


Wearables were initially designed to encourage people to be active. Well, it didn't take long for developers to start integrating it into the gaming world. These mobile devices are worn somewhere on the body. Whether it is an armband or headset, the gaming wearable allows gamers to feel totally immersed in games. Wearables not only offer more flexibility than gaming consoles, but also they allow you to stay active while gaming. So, you are getting the best of both worlds. 

Mobile Devices

In the past, people only play games on connected devices, such as computers and gaming consoles. Fortunately, this is no longer the case. With the invention of mobile technology, you can play video games anywhere and everywhere. Mobile gaming has definitely taken the world by storm. You can connect to your favorite online game via a mobile phone, tablet or iPad. Do not worry, you are not alone because just about everyone utilizes their mobile device for gaming. Who knows, the person sitting across from you in the barbershop may be one of your biggest gaming competitors.