Male pattern baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia, isn’t exactly something that crosses your mind if you’re a young, fit, and healthy man. It’s something for your dad and granddad to worry about, right? Well, according to Andrology Australia, about 20% of men in their 20s and 30% of men in their 30s experience significant balding. 

If you’re lucky enough not to belong to these groups, you may still experience male pattern baldness eventually. After all, this condition is a natural part of aging for all men.


But don’t freak out! There are ways to treat male pattern hair loss. You just need to learn more about the condition to prepare for it and find the appropriate treatments.

6 Hair Loss Facts

To fight hair loss, you first need to know these six important facts.

1. Male pattern baldness is not a disease.

Firstly, you should understand that male pattern baldness by itself is not a disease. However, it has been linked to other more serious conditions such as prostate cancer and coronary heart disease. 

More research is required in this area of science, though. After all, all men experience some degree of hair loss, but not all men go on to develop heart disease and cancer!

2. Male pattern baldness is common.

Androgenetic alopecia affects around 50 million men in the United States. So chances are, you’re in good company. In fact, many men accept it as a normal part of aging because all men deal with it at some point to some degree.

3. Male pattern baldness is genetic.

Contrary to a popular belief, male pattern baldness is not inherited through your mother. Scientists hypothesize that the genes that cause alopecia likely come from both parents. But if you have a close male relative with alopecia, your risk is increased. Male pattern hair loss is also believed to be affected by environment.

4. Testosterone is not linked to male pattern baldness, but dihydrotestosterone is.

Some men think it is excessively high levels of testosterone that causes balding. However, this is not true; male pattern baldness is more tied to another male sex hormone called dihydrotestosterone. This hormone is controlled by the AR gene, which suggests that male pattern baldness has genetic roots.

5. Women can experience hair loss too, but theirs doesn’t follow a pattern.

Male pattern baldness’ name came about because with this condition, hair loss for men follows a predictable pattern. For women, hair simply thins evenly throughout the head, and their hairlines do not recede. Women rarely have alopecia that results in complete baldness.

6. If your hair loss doesn’t follow the typical alopecia pattern, consult your doctor.

Atypical patterns of hair loss may suggest a different medical condition, especially if it happens alongside itchy, red, or scaly skin.

Hair Loss Treatments for Men

Thanks to modern development, we now have a variety of treatments that can help you deal with hair loss. Read on to learn more.


Finasteride (PROPECIA®) blocks testosterone from turning into dihydrotestosterone. Most men will experience some re-growth of their hair, and while other men will not, their hair loss can still be halted. Only about one in 100 men don’t respond to finasteride at all. 

Unfortunately, a lower sex drive is a negative side effect of this oral medication, and results can take four months to one or two years to appear. If finasteride doesn’t work for you, you can try dutasteride (AVODART®), which is similar. There are also topical medications you can rub into your scalp.

Since these medications may need to be taken long-term, you may want to save money by buying 90-day supplies from international and Canadian pharmacy referral services online. These websites connect patients to licensed pharmacies outside the United States that offer comparatively cheaper pharmaceutical drugs.

Hair Pieces and Hats

If you’re not a fan of medication, a solution to your hair loss may simply involve a visit to your local hairdresser or hat shop. Stylish hats and hairpieces are simple and affordable solutions if you want to look and feel better.

Hair Transplants

During a hair transplant, hair is removed from areas of healthy growth and placed in balding areas. This is a more invasive treatment that can cause scarring and infection. It can also require multiple sessions of treatment that may get expensive.

Losing Hair Got You Lost?

Remember, male pattern baldness isn’t a medical problem on its own. Most people simply feel insecure about their appearance when they have it.

Hair loss can be especially distressing for younger men. For these individuals, talking to a therapist or counselor may be helpful. Psychotherapy is not a sign of weakness; it’s a marker of strength. If hair loss gives you significant distress, you may be dealing with bigger self-esteem issues. And addressing these issues is both the mature and responsible thing to do.

Don’t feel ashamed about your feelings on your physical appearance! Our self-image is an extremely important part of our well-being, and you deserve to feel good in your body, even if it’s lacking a little bit of hair.