
Making ‘One in a Million’ application has always been the dream of every Entrepreneur and Developer who planned to step into the mobile market. However, not everyone attained the unique and everlasting popularity like WhatsApp and Uber. Their application remained a part of million applications that were hardly noticed by the users - all thanks to the growing competition in the marketplace.

In a scenario like this where hundreds of mobile apps are entering the mobile industry every now and then, one of the safest ways to ensure that you mobile app goes popular is to invest your efforts in ASO marketing - something about which we will discuss in this article.

So, let’s begin with a simple definition and the reason why we should focus on it.

ASO Marketing
ASO Marketing, also called App Store Marketing or Mobile SEO, is the process of optimizing the mobile application page such that it gets higher ranking in an App Store’s search results. This ranking later, helps to bring more eyeballs on your app page and prompt them to click on ‘Install’ button, implying higher app downloads and popularity.

Now when talking about ASO marketing in context of app popularity, it has been found by various surveys that more than 63% of users that downloads an application lands on the app page via App Store search. And the ranking on the app store search, as already shared, can be influenced by ASO marketing. This implies ASO marketing can help you to grab the attention of a wider audience and enjoy higher outcomes.

Now, when talking about focusing on App Store Optimization, there are various factors that must be taken into account to gain higher momentum, a few of which are:-

1. Keywords
The foremost factor that a mobile application development agency should consider while submitting an app on App Store is keywords. These phrases are actually used for users to search for a particular application/service, which means optimizing your app page with these keywords can help with getting their attention.

When it comes to keyword optimization, it is wise to screen out the keywords that complements your app functionality and niche industry. Otherwise, you would gain traction from wrong audience which means higher visibility but no profits.

2. App Icon & Logo
The icon of your application, being the first thing noticed in any application during search list, also bring a major impact on the overall download rate. If you pick an app icon that’s simple, engaging and informative in context to your app’s functionality, it encourages the target audience to hit click on the app link and get on your app page. Besides, it also remind them about your app’s prime functionality when placed on their phone home screen and prompt them to revisit your app, which means higher customer acquisition and retention rate. You can also create the logo of your app and it work as a professional Logo Designer. Please visit this awesome app to create logo and icon for your app.

3. App Name
Another factor that must be looked into during ASO marketing is how to name an app. This is because the name of your application leaves a hint to the users about what your app is all about, what features it will offer and how it will improve their lives. For example:- Messenger - Text and Video Chat for Free clearly indicates that the application will allow users to make free text and video chats. Also, the phrase ‘text and video chat for free’, being a keyword, will also bring more advantage to your app.

4. URL
Often overlooked, the URL of your application page also ensure more downloads. To leverage higher benefits, it is necessary to check that no special characters, copyright symbols, digits, etc. are added to the URL. Only URL-friendly characters and keywords are used.

5. Description
The description of the application also offers a wider opportunity to improve the ranking of your application on the App Store. This section not only enables you to add maximum number of keywords, but also give the freedom to share about the three pillars of a mobile app:-
1. Why you need this app? - Here you mention about the challenges and issues they are currently facing. This helps them to relate the situation and stay hooked.
2. What does this app has? -  Here, you explain a bit about the main features of your application, that helps them make their mind.
3. How will it change your life? - This section ultimately prompt them to look forward to installing your application and enjoy all the associated benefits.

6. Screenshots and Preview Video
While the app description, when written wisely, enables you to bring higher traction on your application, it is also profitable to focus on the visual content. As per the mobile app development companies, the app screenshots and preview video enables users to get an insight of your application even before installing them on their devices and induce emotions to give your app a try. 

When talking about adding app screenshots and preview video, it is advisable to pick the main screens and features of your application and arrange them such that the most engaging one remain in the front.

7. Ratings and Review
Ratings and review of your application also improves your app ranking and download rate, since positive values indicate that your app is of high-quality and liked by the users. This encourages the visitors to give your application a try.

8. App Version
An app version, surprisingly, leaves a great impression on the app store ranking. The continual upliftment in the app version indicate that you have not ended your app development efforts at launching an app version. You are updating your application as per the user and market needs, which later improves the overall app rating.

9. Developer Information
Last but not least, the developer information you add on the app page, including your contact details, also enhances the app ranking. It proves that the application is designed by a reputed mobile app developer and boosts trust and credibility of the application.

The aforementioned factors will help you to make your app popular via ASO marketing. But again, ASO marketing is not confined to these factors only. It requires you to look into many other factors and challenges, for which it is best to consult with the right mobile application development agency. So, look forward to it.